I don't have a bae yet, but I can list some lovely (amazing) people here: @rachetclanksYourSenpai_ @Nightfire @fryzigg @Toweeh ❥ @WolfWhisperer @kitkat6605910 @thorraks @Alex (lmao evrybody loves her) @Ponyknight99 @tin15cro @Drago (I dunno you well, but u r following me)
@Ferninator @qos @willov1 @MaxNinja10 @KlutzyGiant4 @Van @iTzLevisFFS @Asided I met them in KitPvP. (Sorry if I did forgot you)
@Puri~ I met this hot grill by a good friend of ours (or by our promotions, I absolutely forgot), then we just became good friends from there.
@Ares_Xena We met on survival almost a year ago. I spared his life in a pvp fight and has been bae since. :rolleyes: Then he got better at pvp...
@MR_B3N_123 met him in the Party Base ;) #Christmas2k14 @eastchurch Forever bae just cause i said so @_MEGA_COOKIE_ for letting me take his gf away ;) @Climax I knew his bro jib and played opfacs with lion till he blew up party base ;) #NeverForget
@Hells Redempt he lives beside me irl :O QuiQuinox ( he doesn't have a profile) i met him by fighting at spawn and he helped me so i started talking on skype with him. @MR_B3N_123 i met him inside his faction home and he was a bit confused but i told him why i was there and we became friends. we have a love hate relationship.