Haven't really talked to you much, but you seem like a good person. lmao We should talk more sometime hmu. You're nice. Again, haven't talked to you much, but I hope to soon. We don't talk as much as I'd like to but whenever we do we have 10/10 conversations. You want to have babies with me but I don't want to cheat. c; (Also I don't do the whole fwb thing and having babies isnt something that fwbs do). xD ilysmmm <333 Gr8 friend af. I really used to hate you a lot but lately we've been talking and you are pretty cool. You can be a b*tch at times, but it's k bc I've learned that's just who you are. :tt Anyway yeah call me sometime. ;> No more ratfacejr pls You're nice, but you can also be a bit annoying at times (I know I'm rude but this is my opinion). I tried thinking of a few examples to give but I can't really word them right so they sound more harsh than I want them to, so I just won't. You're a good friend. 10/10 would talk to more. I'm really sorry about what happened, I've explained my part in several PMs, so I'm not going to get into it here. Anyway, you're pretty asf and you're really cool. I'd like to talk to you more if you're up to it? Also, you're a great moderator and I'm glad you were promoted to global. C: We don't talk anymore but when we did it was fun. I see you on OP occasionally and we say hi to each other but I don't remember the last time we actually had a real conversation. You're nice to talk to and you should totes apply for mod. <3 imy and ly.
Let me warn you that it is currently 6 am and I haven't slept. Tbh idk you that well but you seem nice and you can message me if you want to talk I guess. You're a really great mod and a good friend and keep doin watchu doin. We should talk more ;D Oml first I am really happy that you're back You are amazing and I miss our skype calls where you would sing and kenzie would make you quote doctor who and stuff. You are a really great friend and we should really talk more. Ilysmm <33333 You were a great mod before you resigned and you're a cool person. I still remember that time we had a whole convo about wanting baby sloths and 2 wanting each other to Google if they were legal to own in our countries. Anyway we should talk more if ya want. We haven't talked much but you're nice and cool and stuff and we should talk more (I say that too much ik sh ;p) You're an amazing friend/person and you need mod like rn. You're fun to play in game with and just talk to in general. <3 ly I've already given you one before (idk if it was this thread) but I used to hate you but now I don't blah blah 10/10 mod skills Also I don't think I'm reapplying