Yeah, what I wrote above. I'll also be brutally honest so don't go around getting pissed off if you got a bad tooth bees honerst.
I dislike the fact that you dislike me for a terrible reason (being that I have the most negatives), disliking me because I hated on your friends is fine. Overall you're a pretty good person, not that I got to know the good side of you. I've never spoken to you so I'd have no clue. I dislike the fact that you hang around a group on the internet, defending each others and liking what ever the other posts, overall you've been pretty nice to me on my time on Mineverse. (Even though you report me for flying on skyblock when I said don't ;_; )
One of the only people in this community I respect, you're a great person to know. I still remember about a year and a half ago we'd be on infection just camping. Fun times. ;p 11/10 person.
You're an alright person, there are those times where everyone sucks up to each other but you're one of the people who do it less which is a good quality (according to me). I don't mind you nor do I hate you.
You piss me off, a lot. You're always sucking up to other people, hoping that one day you'll get the moderator position. Perhaps if you were a respectable person I'd like you.
I feel bad because I was so terrible when you were trying to be nice to me. I've been trying to think of a way to return the favor back but I haven't got to it yet.