Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Blocky, May 10, 2015.
Don't know you. You seem nice.
A nooby pvper.
An eZ wolf. And an Apple product. :P
a kohi tryharder (idk sorry ;-; )
Lives in indonesia :|
has a really cute profile pic
Is truly, the coolest elephant
A guy named Kyle? Don't know ya sorry :P
the one who ''accidentally'' killed me like 4 times >:I u nub :P
coolest elephant ever :P :>
A cool guy who gets banned way to often :rolleyes:
Human boy.
Mean person who should be more specific.
havent been banned in a month :D #nomorehax
You were banned on KitPvP recently...
Such a loner he put a profile pic of a couple
That doesn't mean he's a loner... and idk you
Amazing girl with an amazing voice