Explain this for me... http://gyazo.com/2bb745831cb09bae4ab278b3bfcb7f60 Also, your grammar is similar to someone that is new or learning English, similar to Dsouth. Then, if Dsouth quit, why do you know all of this about him, and how did he find this post of all things after "quitting." You two (or one) are either extremely closely related, or you are the same person. If you don't want people to know that you're Dsouth you need to try a bit harder than this. If you know that you're not him, then why do you care so much about what everyone thinks? Think before you speak.
You didn't read the story, please read it before you say something, he is my family and we skype everyday ofcourse I know everything about him. Why do I care? read the first screenshot in this thread Please don't judge when you didn't read the story.
I did read the story, it doesn't matter, you're a terrible liar. You were mad because your moderator application as Dsouth was terribly unsuccessful, so you made a new account to start fresh. You can't just make minor changes like this, you have to majorly change yourself in order for an entire community to think that you're another person. This whole thing is simply an act of cowardice, because of the fact that the things you had done as Dsouth built up a negative reputation for you. You tried, but you failed. Have I made myself clear yet?
Sure, If you did read the story I've said you don't have to believe me, and you don't know anything about Dsouth and me in game so I don't really care about what you are saying, I care more about the other players who were huge enemies with Dsouth and they thought I'm him,
I know plenty about you in-game, you scammed, hacked, and were a grade-A a**hole to everyone that gave you constructive criticism. You are flaming with me just like Dsouth, or should I say you, did. It doesn't matter whether you believe me or not. I just strongly dislike liars.
It's okey you don't have to believe me, I didn't force you to believe me. I'm just trying to proof I'm not him, you don't have to be mad because you don't believe me. And calling someone a ''grade-A a**hole'' is going to far, calm down, If you don't believe me just leave this thread, I'm not starting a flame war, you did. + Calling me a scammer and hacker etc.. you really don't know about me in game, I've helped so much in KitPvP, but I can't tell you anything about it cuz you see everything negative about me. And the application of Dsouth was made on 27 may, and I'm since 5 may on the forums, so how can it be a new account when I was already active in game and forums before his application. Not to hate you but I think you don't know what you are talking about, you're just trying to make me look bad, I don't know why, but I feel it's because you hate Dsouth and you think I'm him.
Who are you talking about? Back this up with proof? You have no idea what you're talking about. What my 'mates' do is not my concern, if they have a problem with someone that is not my issue. I don't hack on MV, pal.
I can state some pretty strong reasons why they'd be the same person but when it comes down to it, I don't really care. If they do something wrong then they're out. Everything Timmy gives away(or most of it) was DSouths and he scammed a ton of it.
DSouths application means nothing - He has a valid reason to hide. Also 'give aways' aren't helping considering DSouth gave you all the stuff and it was scammed.
Scammed? Explain how? [No more post after this i be going to bed, school is more important then someone random on the internet]
Your story means nothing. It's not solid proof at all. Show us a photo of you with the person that DSouth posted. Also DSouth said you were brothers, cousins and now you say nephews?..
Everyone knows that DSouth had scammed - it was simply impossible for him to gather what he had in that amount of time and considering he spent 95% of his time at old spawn and constantly boosting auctions...
I told you, you don't have to believe it, I've told my story, If you don't believe it just leave the thread, I'm not gonna spend my time for this discussings.