Ok Cyp. It's been far too long. Prestige 8, 9 and 10 are still broken, and no matter how many times we've asked for them to be fixed, you still haven't done a thing about it. I understand you're a bust guy with lots of things to do, but it's such a small and easy thing to fix you could do it with your eyes closes. It is incredibly frustrating, seeing all our hard work go to waste because the Prestiges are broken. You seriously need to get off your and fix this issue. It has been here ever since Infection came out, and we've been complaining about it ever since. Yet you refuse to do anything about it. The Infection community is tired of waiting, we want it fixed. You seemed to have time to fix the Fire aspect on all donor ranks and add new maps, but not this? Why not? This is one of the biggest and most annoying issues on Infection. We want it fixed, and we want it fixed now! We're tired of waiting. Tagging a mod so they can tag Cyp. @Alex
I'm not bothered by p10 being useless. What needs to be fixed is the prevention of p6 and p7 spamming
The rule was put in place, that was what Cyp did to try and fix it. Yet, here we are, with the Prestiges still broken.
I've already made a couple threads/messaged Cyp about this a couple times. Not sure if he's seen them or not. I think he has his tags off but worth a shot. @CypriotMerks
More like 2 years that's how long I have been p10 the reason why people quit was because there was nothing to do no new maps come out everything was boring. An estimated guess of 1.8 years later Cypriot decides to do something and create more maps for infection scratch that the players decide to rant and then he adds the maps. A problem that hasn't been fixed for 2 years are you seriously joking me Cypriot has some issues I mean he even has the guts to then create a thread of where you can play other games with him lol he's not a busy man he's a lazy man I think the whole community knows it but no one decides to say ao because half of you are to obliviate and think that moderators and others will ban you or do something. Also, I am not here to create a problem I am just trying to make you guys look at a problem.
He needs to fix all the problems on every gamemode before he goes and adds some "Minigames" and more gamemodes. He's not fixing the problem, he's just delaying it and making it worse then what it was.
He added new maps he didn't delay anything, but it took 1.8 years so you could call that delay. ^^Than
How are the prestiges broken? I messaged @Noobcrew earlier asking for the Infection plugin code, I may be able to fix it.
Prestiges 8-10 are supposed to get more arrows for the bow, but instead they don't get a bow, just a certain amount of arrows.