Hey i am smoothparticles and i got 2 accounts i got smoothparticles and LegitSensei Gamertag: old: LightSensei New: LegitSensei I changed my name, i only have my rank on op prison op pvp and creative all the other servers i dont have it my rank on LegitSensei is premium prof:
Send an email to [email protected] . This should help but remember Cyp gets many emails a day so be patient.
Hello, SmoothParticles. As Nightfire said above, I suggest that you email: [email protected] With your issue and any proof you may have of your rank. If they don't fix it within a week, try sending another email. Good luck!
btw i need to fix that rank on my other account to xD i am supreme and i dont have my rank at the other servers so i need to fix that to omg xD