I don't see anything, but I can tell you that I've seen this player in game, and his old IGN is Antvenom_03 or something and he's very suspicious.
It's either kill aura, or triggerbot.. lmao It can't be pingers.. Pingers usally only get a 7 block hit reach..
You can't record people for auto clicker, so this would be invalid. You cannot tell if he is auto clicking or not.
If there are any hacks in this there is kill aura. I do not believe there is a hack called "reach." I may be wrong. If it is not hacks, it would be either US ping [because practically anywhere else is really bad] or he's a good PvPer. In this case, I believe it is a good ping.
I know him In-Game and I skyped with him also, I recorded him once for hacking but he shared screen on skype and he really didn't hack, It's just the ping.
I don't see any hacks. From firsthand experience, this is just ping. Plus there's barely enough evidence :/
Tbh, it really does look like hacks, however, when he is hit, the sword is still moving, the reaction when he gets hit and when the sword moves, does not coordinate, so I there isn't any hacks here in my opinion, with what Christi said as well, the evidence is short so it's hard to tell.
My bad, when I first looked at it, I thought it was some reach. Sorry for the mistake, ill unban him soon.