Look, we are really in-need of Prison guards that are around the globe that can be on alot of the time. <--- This is what happens when we have no guards on... Although it's not like that most of the time, there are never any mods/guards... The ones that are running for Head-Guard may not even deserve it... It's either me or everyones time zones, but it seems like no guard that CypriotMerkz has promoted lives in America... or they are just never on. I get that they may be to "busy", but when there's no guards on for a the whole day or for a few days, I know that the "busy" is just lazy. This is my opinion...
The problem with that is that Prison is a role play server. Contraband is rarely caught if guards are rarely on, and that is apart of the Gamemode. With contraband not being reportable, the players rely on Guards to catch those who use this. With this said, I see Larry on every weekend(that's the only time our timezones collide), I see Pops on in my afternoons and I see Krissy on a fair bit considering that she is also mod on another of Crews servers.
I wasn't trying to report anyone. I was just trying to show what goes on in the Prison gamemode whenever there are no guards around to help.
Much like irl i suppose. If the guards are not around, prisoners can make contraband, which they do because guards cant mind what they do every single day which gives them gaps in time to do such. Basically some globals help out but since tin and van kinda left we have been down mods in the most important parts of the day. I mean much like all severs its unrealistic to have a mod for every part of the day unless you have a ridiculously high amount of mods.
Its been tried but barely works. Cyp is aware of the need for mods. Had none of the mods left or were demoted then possibly we wouldnt have this thread. However yes, I did this back when I wanted mod ages ago.
Exactly. That wasn't the point to show we need guards for something I do. We all need more guards ovreall. Everyone does things that needs to be controlled by guards, yet they are never here to help.