First to decode this message gets $1 Trillion on OpPrison. Coded Message: "# !% !$ & !* ! @) @! !@ ! @( ( !% !$ !( - @% !% @! - @# !% !$ - @% ! @%" Format IGN: Decoded Message: Ends in 10 days Officially Closed
IGN: MrPronounce Decoded Message: I am confused about the message? How many words is it? Are the spaces there to represent an actual space, or is that what the hyphen is for?
Ign: Mookiezzx Decoded Message: (I'm guessing based on the shift numbers) "3151471812021121299151419-251521-2315-25125" Is it numbers/letters?
Time is up! Contest is closed! (Don't close thread) Answer: Congratulations you won yay Code: The symbols represent the number that you press while shift is enabled to get them. Those numbers then represent a letter of the alphabet, so ! = 1 = A. @# = 23 = W The spaces (Not hyphens) represent a new letter The hyphen represent a space
# !% !$ & !* ! @) @! !@ ! @( ( !% !$ !( - @% !% @! - @# !% !$ - @% ! @% 3 15 14 7 18 1 20 21 12 1 29 9 15 14 19 - 25 15 21 - 23 15 14 - 25 1 25 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Q X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Congratulations you won yay Closed but still fun to do