Before commenting on this, please note: I do not mean any offence! I just genuinely want to know! *I might have this thread closed/if a mod sees it can they please close it! Thank You!* Is there a point in applying for moderator? I have recently applied for moderator, I had this deleted, because I didn't think I was worthy of the position at that time! But now that I have familiarised myself with the forums, and started becoming active I am not sure weather applying again would do anything?!?! There are so many applications being posted to this forum site every day, that I don't even know if the moderators look at the applications! How are we supposed to get a response back? I don't know! So I was thinking of giving up! Like; Is there a point? Will I hear a response back? Will it even be reviewed! Thanks!
Having a Mod see it does nothing, at all. The only response you will hear, only relevant ones, are "Support" "No Support" and "Welcome to The Team" The last one being determined if you get enough "Support"'s Asking about it lowers your chance, the Mods can't and don't promote, their say in it affects nothing. All they can do is suggest you personally to Cyp with good reason, which I doubt they do. Just be patient.
Yes, as you can see when somebody posts a moderator application, people say support or no support. When a lot of people reply then moderators look at the application. I would make friends with the mods too if I were you. I think you should be more active and friend a lot of people then post another one, who knows maybe you'll be mod someday!
Thank You! I am working on becoming more well - known on the forums! Thank you for the positive influence!
Yes Thank You for advice! However, I will never know if I don't ask, so I didn't know what else to do! But Thank You!
Personally, I think that everyone has the potential of applying for moderator, although, some just do not fit the position at all. In your case, I say go for it. I've seen you replying and commenting on a lot of stuff, with helpful information. With your application though, you should spend some time on it, thinking it over, reading it over. Trying to add as much detail as you can is a huge thing with applications. Some people criticise you on not adding colour. Colour is not needed, at all. Information and detail is key. So, good luck to you, if you decide to create a moderator application. If you do, I will be sure to read it and leave some constructive criticism, if need be.
It is up to you whether or not you want to make another app, or re-open your old one. if you think you are ready then go for it. Wayne Gretzky - "You miss all the shots you don't take" Applying for the Moderator application takes time and patience. Not only can Moderators judge your application, but the entire community will too. Most will give their honest opinion and not be biased. But waiting for their opinion/response/review takes time. So if you are going to have another application open, just be patient. Hope this helps you with your predicament.
Supports do nothing to get your application accepted. It does show Cyp who is liked by the community though.
Not true, say... There's a guy named BigBoyMcGee and he is hated by the community for scamming and stuff like that, Cyp won't accept if there is just "No Support"'s and zero "Support"'s
That is true, but a certain number of supports isn't going to get your application accepted. It's really if Cp thinks you are ready or not.
Of Course there is a point in applying for moderator, that is if you wish to help the server and do a job that many cant even begin to understand how difficult it is. Be patient and you will receive responses, whether they're positive or negative. Each response or message will put your application to the top of the list, increasing your chance of getting a response. If you were thinking about giving up, then maybe you need to rethink your decision to apply for moderator ,as it requires endless patience and determination to even get a chance, let alone doing the job.
Personal experience here. While I didn't have an application here, I did for crews other server. It took a good 4 months to get accepted. It doesn't matter what forum rank you are. When I made my application I was the equivalent of a new member (ranks didnt exist). But I participated a lot on the forums, I was active in game. I took my time to familiarize myself with the way mods did business and started to make reports and proved I knew a lot about the rules. I did have a lot of support, however this was achieved gradually. As I started to learn more, I was more confident, and it helped me to seem professional and mature ( I was already, but I snapped out of average player mode). Not once did I close my mod app, nor was i by all means friends with any staff members at all. So it is possible to get mod, it just takes a lot of work. The main goal is helping the server, and if you really want to, you will work towards mod. But the best part would be to show that even without a rank, you can still be hard working.