picked up another gamemode, maybe you want to slow down with applying for this and other things. You cant have it all and its unfair to expect it.
It's not unfair to expect anything. Another gamemode is no big deal - I used to moderate 15. The reason why I want this position (as I said in the app) is to be able to help prison better than I currently am. It's quite annoying to see players needing chests broken and not being able to help them. But you're entitled to your opinions.
This is why I don't Support. You use to moderate 15 servers made into the 1 server, you got demoted for that, being Head-Guard is technically bigger than global mod because on prison, you'll get more spam than any global mod and you will get told to do things, not just asked, I remember when tin was Head-Guard, even Sco, the amount of hate,spam and immaturity that hit them because they refused to do something. Pop, you realize you've just been promoted not even 3 months ago, yes you've been mod before, but that doesn't really count. Alot of other guards have been promoted before you and are more active than you and in my opinion, the oldest/most active guard should deserve head-guard. I have not seen you do anything on prison and I am one of the most active prison players. I mean, I know you play but I do not see you doing anything, I barely see you jailing people for contraband or moderating the chat when it's needed. I believe the role of the head-guard is not only to be breaking sign chests, which is essentially what everyone thinks a head-guard's job is, but it's job should also be handling the most prison reports and you should know full on rules about prison. Along this road, about uh, 4-5 weeks ago, you asked NoobCupCake what the job of a guard was and how to do it, please don't deny it. Hopefully you see where I am going, I just would not be very happy to see you as Head-Guard. No hate.
^ This guy is amazing. You also disliked my post, when someone dislikes someones post you always say that it shows immaturity. Look who's disliking now?
you're not supposed to dislike a post in a REPORT, that's not even a server you moderate. Instead of disliking posts why don't you spend your time on checking reports, or moderating the forums or in-game?
I disliked your post because you were dissing the mods and it was simply not nice. I'm sorry if ratings bother you that much.
Btw, my report has been sitting down there without response for a while... And so many mods were on... :/
Oh really? So if someone makes a ban appeal or a stupid report would you dislike it? I was dissing a mod on a ban appeal and he didn't dislike my post even in a report. You even say that "disliking a post shows immaturity"
If you'd like to continue this argument please pm me. You've already stated your opinion about me and my app. Thank you.
Thanks feurin. This is what i was getting at. Unfortunately the app practically shows that all you know about being head guard is chest breaking since this is what you have mentioned several times. You have plenty of game-modes to help out with and need to be active among all of them. Being well known doesnt mean you do the job. Doing the most reports doesnt mean anything unless you help in game. One lesson is you make do with what you have and do your job properly. You had global before, you had the opportunity that mods now work towards. Getting another gamemode should be a big deal, not every person gets that chance. Sorry but I think you should stick to those gamemodes you were given and improve within the prison server.
The position of Head Guard is a tricky one to fill. Because of how the prison server is set up, it gives this rank permissions to break signs off chests. But that's not all you could break. Head Guard has perms to break any block anywhere throughout the server including the spawn and prison itself. It bypasses any region as well as being able to open any chest sign locked or not. The position is a position of activity, yes but more than anything Cyp only gives this position to those he trusts regardless of time spent on the server. Good luck to you. (I'd rather not voice my opinion on this promotion)
I don't know who told you that... As Head Guard I could break anything anywhere. I was told by Cyp and Crew they were unsure how to fix the issue. Maybe they found a fix? If you are unable to break at spawn I'm sure the region is small. You are still able to open all chests and bypass all regions including plots and regions in the flat lands.