Well this is a spawn I created over boredom and it can be located in the Mineverse server on creative at the plot /p h GetD**ked. Sorry for the language remove the stars for the real username. It was created by me, YeOldSquiller with some help of minecraftchic333. It is quite little, and still need the real shop signs, rank signs and a lit nether portal for lobby. Here are some photos of what the looks like from many views. Front (Distance): http://gyazo.com/82944742fb4ea0a3f0a0191a1d073205 Back (Distance): http://gyazo.com/0fc649573ea39128b561bdd92d29f8a5 Spawning Area (Front): http://gyazo.com/63b2a31af52c7123879f97b2acf37895 Shop& Enchanting Shop: http://gyazo.com/1beda1bb581b5563f8f0c2582a3a914b Spawning Area (Back): http://gyazo.com/dc6457a59ac52820f820fc7533ff70a1 Rank Room: http://gyazo.com/b2f964cf2b39ea5a34476a34d19edf34 (The rank room is complete using signs but needs the kit preview sign linked). That lover of Apple Juice, YeOldSquiller; hope you enjoyed.
Looks small, even smaller than the current spawn. Adding some floor designs would make the design more attention catching. Support.
Possibly add some more detail, as well as expand in the middle out. Enderchests would be needed as well. Other that that, support. Much nicer than the current spawn.
Alright, I will have another thread and spawn soon, thank you for the support and details needed. Ill try my best ;P
http://gyazo.com/2777bb0b35f5e055849fda8f96e67e5f Something which Mook and I originally built together. Though we haven't touched this in months. It's nice that somebody does care about OP PvP, and wants to help it improve.
Yeah, totally not underage either. Maybe give that to a fish and he'll die of what again? uhh drunkness? Wait, but fish stay in water and drink so lol xD