I have come to the conclusion has Cyp been keeping a dark secret from the whole of Mineverse! What do you think btw before people say how did you get a /pet I never lol this is my friends.............................................. Also Cyp I would like to add this is just for a joke and don't get mad at me but obviously this isn't your nan xD If you find this offensive in any way you are free to take it off because it's just a joke.
Well, someone has to feed him his Mac And Cheese. I can tell you this much, pokemaniac is tired of feeding him. He throws his noodles everywhere when he eats...
I saw him try to eat a waffle once. He printed you out and tried to eat you, disregarding the waffle box completely.
Well some things dissapoint you but someone did send mee a link saying this is CypriotMerks's nan..........