NO WAY. Nope. Another mod down the drain. 5 mods in two months. BUT WHY YOU SAVVY Love you and miss you ;-;
"Receiving hate for doing my job." You may be getting hate from one person, but you're also helping another in the process. Good luck with life. :>
I was so happy when you returned a few months back, even more happy when you were accepted as a mod. You're a great friend, and a good mod. You gotta do what's best for yourself. I'll miss you <3
Well, you were a amazing staff member, and will also be known for that. Like hope you have a great time and good luck in your future ahead!
Goodbye, Savvy. You done a lot for this server. You were an excellent mod, and person in general. We never knew eachother too well, but when I did talked to you, it was good...It was fun. Sad to see you leave, but it's for the best I suppose. I wish you luck with your future. Goodbye
Bloody hell the spam DONT LEAVE is making me laugh lol, Savvy was a great mod you banned me but idc it was your job <3 you may have irl things but pop on here every once in a while and keep in touch with your favorite friends and stay in touch with @Viper we all know he'll miss you much.