Well I got my first phone when I was in yr 5 or 6 , HOwever I had laptops and pcs before that :P How old were you when you got into a big fight at school?
Verbal? 13 physical none How old were you when you asked a person of the opposite gender if they liked you?
Never, I don't like telling people or asking them things about relationships/crushes. How old were you when you first got obsessed with a certain thing (example: Pokemon, so you bought a ton of pokemon cards)?
#BringingThisBack I was 8. It was with Sillybands... I still have all of them and they sit in a giant backpack. How old were you when you first bought something from Starbucks... xD
Hmm... If that means that I actually got to go get him, 10 years old. How old were you when you first cooked something?
Does burning something with a lighter count? If so, 6. If that doesn't count, like... 12. How old were you when you first started understanding what the purpose of a PC is for?
About when I was 9, although Icouldn't comprehend the internet and how it worked until I was 13. How old were you when you got your first pet?
Never got a pet. I hate the smell of most. How old were you when you found out that Mineverse is addicting?
Maybe 6 months ago? How old were you when you first got addicted to a certain food? Eg for me I'm addicted to Mars bars :3
4, It was and still is on the fruit pears. But there are others I gt addicted to later on How old were you when you had your first pet?