They're not rich. The price of Gold will/should just drop. Well, you'll be missed Uncle. I kinda wish I got that cake though, I would've loved to have it, and I'd never let it leave my side...
You see, the cake is a worthless item. People will pay high, but realistically it isn't worth anything. It's a cake. I literally only want it to sit in the middle of my echest. I'm upset that Max got it :c I would've loved it soooo much but meh.
Tbh the items don't affect me that much, I would've preferred Uncle to stay or at least kept all of his items.
Uncle, We've had our ups and our downs and even though you hate my guts you can be quite kind at times (When you choose to) But anyway it was nice of you to give away your stuff and I wish you the best of luck in the future.