The video isn't available for us to watch. Please fix that, Greg_. :P Just recalling, who are you due name changes?
Update: /seen seems to be broken, I can't do a activity check this week. Kicked members will be brought back. We need more members T_T Apply now <3
In-game name:Wario957 Age:13 Skype: You just skipped with me and banta xD PvP Skills (1-10): 7-8 Timezone: CST How active are you?: 1-4 hours a day during the week. Any other info that you think might be important: I know you and bantz very well, you just skipped with me and can tell I'm a nice guy and I'm active greg . Rank wanted: I wanna be Head-Admin with my buddy Bantz <3! YouTube channel: Making one with KingAlex
Please leave this thread. I am very annoyed of your lack of professionalism, as you spammed this thread quite a couple of times. With a gentle reminder, please don't post here unless you have anything important to say, because I'm annoyed of getting alerts of utterly useless things. Thank you
Greg, may I apply for head admin with bantz? Ik me and him would work together well, and he trusts me a lot.
I'm in a clan atm, but if even I wanted to join, I wouldn't. I don't give out my skype to people I do not know IRL. I do NOT want to get DDoS'd
In-game name: StefanFromRaxs Age: 15 PvP Skills (1-10): 7-8 Timezone: (UTC+12:00) How active are you?: about 2 to 3 hours a day. Any other info that you think might be important: I play a lot of OpPvP and know my way around the map. YouTube channel: Don't have one right now.