Hello, in this thread we will take a look at the auction plugin. I have had many questions about it so I will make a thread on it. To start an auction, issue the command /auction. It will bring up a page of commands and information. To sell an item, hold the item and do /auction [Quantity] [Price] [Increasing Price]. Quantity: How many of the item, e.g. If you have 10 Raw Fish but you want to auction 5, do /auction 5 [Price] [Increasing Price]. Price: How much you want to sell the item for (The maximum amount is $10), /auction 5 5 [Increasing Price] Increasing Price: When a player bids, how much it will go up after the first bid. Say if you did /auction 5 5 1 then after the first bid, the price would go up by $1 if more players bid. e.g. Bid 1: $5, Bid 2: $6, Bid 3: $7 and so on... The time will always be 45 seconds long, it will say when the auction is half-way through this time. To stop your auction, type /auction cancel. To remove all auctions from the your chat, issue the command /auction stfu.
mpg this would actually help people and your mod why would you be saying negative stuff to ANOTHER moderator??
I Know this is an old thread and im aware of the rules but you can't do /auction 1 1 1 [example] don't you have yo do /auction start first ;)