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  • [USA] Bombmasaur's Moderator Application [OpPrison & Skywars]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Bombmasaur, May 20, 2015.


    Would Bombmasaur be a good Mod or nah?

    1. Bomb would be a great Mod!

      5 vote(s)
    2. Bomb wouldn't be a great Mod.

      3 vote(s)
    3. Neutral.

      1 vote(s)
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    1. Bombmasaur

      Bombmasaur Experienced Member

      Dec 31, 2014
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      Greetings! I'm Bombmasaur, commonly referred to as Bomb. I was going to create a Mod Application when I got the title of, "Active Member", but that will come way later. I decided to make one and see if I ever become a Mod for Mineverse. I love the Server, Forums, and the community, and I still do. Now, let's get started on my Mod App.

      Basic Information

      How old are you? I am currently at the age of seventeen.
      Your in-game name: Bombmasaur
      What timezone are you in? It is currently, PDT (I'm not good with timezones, so I hope I got the right one)
      What country do you live in? United States of America
      What languages do you speak?
      English (100% fluency)
      Cantonese (50% fluency)

      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      Mods are smart, effective, quick thinkers, and many more that I cannot thoroughly describe. I believe that I fit into those categories and I'm capable of being a Mod, but I will let everyone else decide that.



      I would have to say that I am a kind-hearted and responsible person. Being responsible is very difficult to manage, but I think I am up for the job. Being responsible means that you can be counted on by many people. A responsible person would do their job without distractions and would also get tasks done. Responsibilities are important and you can count on me to get jobs done.

      Being friendly means that you are nice and do not not give a bad first impression. Some people that are friendly are humorous. In real life, I am friendly, I like to give off a good first impression that says, "I'm friendly, want to be my friend?" I am quite shy, but still friendly. I don't like to be rude, as it may hurt the receiver, and I hate that idea. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end, so I like to be cheerful and have a nice attitude about things.

      Happy Attitude
      I have a happy attitude almost 24/7. I tend to stray away from sadness and focus and the bright and happy points in life. I try to make others smile and not crestfallen.

      I am equal to everyone. I don't care if your skin color is different or you speak anther language, everyone is equal, and I tend to live by it. I do not judge anyone in any different way. I do this all the time without trouble. I treat everyone the same, even if you're a kid or an adult. I respect everyone, and hope they will feel welcome to Mineverse. I want to make everyone feel right at home here. I will treat everyone equally and leave no one feeling left behind.

      I am quite mature and I will stay like this for the rest of my life. I don't cuss angrily, which says that I have self-control, I have been in my life for many years, and I have learned a lot, especially about maturity.

      I am loyal and quite capable to do many requests sent by Mods or players. I will always to be loyal. If it is a request I can do efficiently, I will do it with no problem. Of course, there are requests that I cannot do, with various reasons, and if I cannot do some of my requests, I will pass it to another person who is capable of doing it.

      If you could ask all my real life friends if I am trustworthy or not, I am positive that more than 98% will say that I am. But you don't know my friends. So, you will have to trust me. First step: Trust me on this, and you can trust me on anything else.

      Active on the Forums

      If you don't know, I am pretty active on the Forums. I am working on the achievement of, "Active Member", and I hope it will come soon. I am almost on everyday for at least two to three hours. With summer coming up, I will be on for a much longer period of time. Even though I don't have much messages, I am working my way up. One day, I will be more active then I have ever been in my entire life.

      I would like to say that my intelligence isn't bad at all. Math isn't my best subject, but I'm great at English. I still have straight A's, and I intend to keep it that way.
      Fast Typer
      Many people are quick at typing, including me. I can resolve issues caused among players fairly quickly. I also type with correct grammar and I don't use slang or numbers. My grammar could be off for various reasons, so I apologize in advance.

      I am very patient, in-game and out. I would never throw a fit. If I need to resolve an issue between players, I would simply wait and hear everything out. I can talk with irritated gamers and calm them down. When I need to take action, I will. My patience has a long span, but will eventually crack. I will take action when it is completely necessary, until those times come, I will wait and do everything else I can.

      I will never take sides for a unfair judgement. I will hear everything out and will never be biased. I will be fair to both parties.

      The title may give you a different idea, but what I intentionally mean, is that I don't rage-quit. I only rage-quit when I do parkour, but I don't do parkour often. I will never rage-quit or be enraged if I am ever a Mod. I will stay calm in any and every situation.

      I am always willing to help. I love to help and if being a Mod, means you have to help everyone, then I would love being a Mod. I try to everything that I can do to help. If I don't know the answer, I would point out a person that does.

      More Information

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?

      Monday: 1-3 hours
      Tuesday: 1-3 hours
      Wednesday: 1-3 hours
      Thursday: 1-3 hours
      Friday: 2-6 hours
      Saturday: 5-8 hours
      Sunday: 4-8 hours

      *My life comes first, then games on a close second
      How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing the Mineverse Server for about seven months. I have been on the Forums for almost six months.
      Have you ever been banned in the past? I have never been banned on Minverse or any other Minecraft Server.
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? No, but this will give me insight on the job of a Moderator. This can help me become a better one, for this Server and for others.
      Which two servers would you like to moderate? OpPrison & Skywars. OpPrison as my main game-mode and Skywars as my second.

      Thank you for reading my application. If you are reading this, this means you appreciate what I have to say, here, have a free invisible magic pen. Thank you for reading again! :D

      Any feedback will be appreciated! :)


      Support Count: 7
      No Support Count: 1
      Neutral Count: 3

      Last edited: May 30, 2015
    2. Dark

      Dark Experienced Member

      Feb 8, 2015
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      I already know you would fit for mod.
      Never mean
      Overall, I support to the max. Good luck!
    3. Bombmasaur

      Bombmasaur Experienced Member

      Dec 31, 2014
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      Thanks Drago! Means a lot. :D
    4. Hiraeth

      Hiraeth Experienced Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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    5. Bombmasaur

      Bombmasaur Experienced Member

      Dec 31, 2014
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      Thanks Jaden ^ - ^
    6. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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    7. Flarey

      Flarey Experienced Member

      Mar 16, 2014
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      -Active on the forums
      -Always happy
      -Haven't seen you in-game, but seem very friendly.
    8. Bombmasaur

      Bombmasaur Experienced Member

      Dec 31, 2014
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      Thank you, if you have any suggestions at all, please tell. :)

      Thank you! :D I usually log on really late at night, maybe morning for you if timezones are different.
    9. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Add more information, I guess is a suggestion?
    10. Bombmasaur

      Bombmasaur Experienced Member

      Dec 31, 2014
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      Thanks, I'll try to add more information :D

      Thank you very much! :happy:
    11. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support

      Many grammar errors, may lead to some confusion.

      Not active enough on the forums
    12. Bombmasaur

      Bombmasaur Experienced Member

      Dec 31, 2014
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      Thank you for your feedback! :)

      If you don't mind, could you tell me where my grammatical errors are, and where it may lead to confusion?
      I am trying my hardest to get the title of, 'Active Member', but I am still pretty active on here. Maybe you just don't see?
    13. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      The bolded text is what I'm telling you to fix, some I fixed for you.

      Non-bolded is what you said. I took out parts that had nothing wrong with them.

      Talking in past tense. You "loved" mineverse, you are saying you did love, not that you still do

      I loved this Server, even from day one. I loved the Server, Forums, and the community.
      Talks about mods as plural, but then goes to "a quick thinker" which is singular.
      Mods are smart, effective, a quick thinker, and many more that I cannot thoroughly describe.

      "And I'm capable" not "and is capable"
      I believe that I fit into those categories and is capable of being a Mod, but I will let everyone decide that.
      Pretty much just defined responsibility here. And it should be "up for the job" not "up for that job"
      I would have to say that I am a kind-hearted and responsible person. Being responsible is very difficult to manage, but I think I am up for that job. Being responsible means that you can be counted on by many people. A responsible person would do their job without distractions and would also get tasks done. Responsibilities are important and you can count on me to get jobs done.
      "And do not give bad first impressions"
      Being friendly means that you are nice and does not give a bad first impression.
      *another. "Live by it"? elaborate on what it means
      I don't care if your skin color is different or you speak anther language, everyone is equal, and I tend to live by it.

      I treat everyone the same, even if your a kid or an adult.
      "I am quite mature and will stay like this for the rest of my life"
      I am quite mature and will still be for the rest of my life.

      Get rid of the period, you need to connect those two sentences.
      I don't cuss angrily and I have self-control. I have been in my life for many years, and I have learned a lot.

      You already said you will always be mature
      Maturity is something that I will always have and it will never get left behind me.
      "Summer coming up". And the 177 messages doesn't make you sound active, sure you are looking at the forums, but you need to take part in the forums.
      If you don't know, I am pretty active on the Forums. I am working on the achievement of, "Active Member", and I hope it will come soon. I am almost on everyday for at least two to three hours. With summer coming by, I will be on for a much longer period of time. The Forums are an easy way to access a part of Mineverse, and I am on for a long time.
      That last part is a bit far fetched, or else I wouldn't be doing this.
      Many people are quick at typing, including me. I can resolve issues caused among players fairly quickly. I also type with correct grammar and I don't use slang or numbers.
      Patience is a good trait, but explaining that you will wait and never take action is not good. Mods need to take action.
      I am very patient, in-game and out. If I have to wait years to get something I want, I would wait years and not throw a fit. I wouldn't take that item by force or anything. I would simply wait. I can also sit and talk with someone, including a irritated gamer. I would listen and wait, to hear said player out. I take my time and it seems to work for me.

      Hope this helps. Sorry about the random larger text, the text edit is a nightmare on mobile.​
    14. Bombmasaur

      Bombmasaur Experienced Member

      Dec 31, 2014
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      Thanks so much! I hadn't realized all the mistakes I have made. Are you in collage yet? Since, I think you would be great as an English major. Thanks again for this and, yes, maybe my grammar isn't the best, but I do not use slang or numbers. :p
      Thank you again... again!
      I have now implemented your tips into my Mod App! :D

      ~Also, I'm doing my best to be more active on the Forums, but thanks again!
      Last edited: May 23, 2015
    15. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      No, I'm only in grade 12, and I'm staying for a 5th year.

      Glad I could help:)

      All you need to do now to get my support is participate more on the forums.
    16. Bombmasaur

      Bombmasaur Experienced Member

      Dec 31, 2014
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      Thanks! :)
      I'll do my best! :happy:
    17. Bombmasaur

      Bombmasaur Experienced Member

      Dec 31, 2014
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      Thanks! I'll try my best! :D
    18. Amaya

      Amaya Experienced Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      I support you all the way! You seem like you would be a fantastic mod. Good luck! :D
    19. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      Support. Your application is looking good, although I did spot this, which to me, looks wrong.

      "I believe that I fit into those categories and I'm capable of being a Mod, but I will let everyone decide that." With that sentence, I feel as if you should add an extra word in there. To me, the part "But I will let everyone decide that". I think you should add in the word 'else' into to, so it reads, 'I believe that I fit into those categories and I'm capable of being a Mod, but I will let everyone else decide that.'
    20. PayUp

      PayUp Well-Known Member

      Jul 6, 2014
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