Hey guys, so basically everyone on kitpvp has been wanting more space for the OP items. Here, I come up with a solution! (I don't know if it's a plugin or not, but our Developer, TannerLittle, is very good. I'm sure he can come up with something) So my theory is that we add an extra 9 slots to donors enderchests. I know player vaults have been suggested numerous times, however I think it hasn't been accepted due to the fact it would be way to OP. In all honesty, 9 slots wouldn't make it to OP, and you would gain a lot more donations for this. 9 slots is not much, but it'll definitely be appreciated . Ranks it would apply to: God, and Titan. Let me know below if you think it should be for other ranks, or just Titan, or something like that. Thanks ;)
Any developer won't have to code a new plugin at all. Here you go. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ender-chest/