As some of you know I have been on the forums for quite a while just never got to the point of being active. The reason is because I used to be very shy and depressed and usually just looked around on the forums without actually saying anything. So when I came out of my shell about a month ago I started to talk and learn how bumping mod apps and other stuff actually works. So I'm sorry for the mistakes I made. Example: Bumping More than 1 time a day Asking people to look at my app Also If I was rude to anyone on the forums in any way, Im really sorry :( I hope I can be forgiven and stay with this amazing Mineverse Community :D Sincerely, TheMiner2020
It's alright, don't worry about it. Everyone makes mistakes, you just need to learn from them to grow. Soon you'll be all grown up.
I don't see why you're apologising for something this small. Everyone has mades these mistakes, no reason to stand out and act like an angel.
Ok, Thank You! Its just that Ive been getting hate because of me making these mistakes and I thought I could apologize because I don't want to be someone "bad/mean" to someone. Ok, Thanks :D I understand that, but surprisingly these mistakes have brought out haters to stuff I do so I just wanted to apologize so I wouldn't have to deal with those types of people.
Hate and love are the same thing, hate forms love and love forms hate. If someone is acting like that towards you just ignore or report them, or even apologise for whatever you did to set them off. Personal apologies are more powerful than public.
We are meant to be a community on here and stick together, the issue with some people on here is the fact that they do not let others have their say without slating them down over the smallest things. Miner - It is all good, I'm here if you ever need anyone to talk to and trust me I don't mind people raging at me after a bad day and everything. The 'shy and depressed' situation is a horrible one to be in, as I would know due to personal experience. I am NOT a very sociable person irl yet when I get comfortable I can be very chatty on here . I think you are really really brave to post this, not many people on here would.
Thank You! I want to stay with this amazing community no matter what! And thank you for understanding my depression/shy situation <3 Thx So Much!
Honestly no one noticed your "mistakes" as we have all made them in the beginning of our journey on the forums. And who really cares.