Didn't really know where to put this. I was looking at the staff team list and I saw that some game modes were listed that didn't have moderator for them such as OP PVP and OP Factions. Then I noticed that Factions and Skygrid weren't there at all. So maybe that can be fixed by adding Factions and Skygrid to the list, or taking out OP PVP and OP Factions since they do not have a Moderator. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/official-staff-list.26325/
Yeah, before I got promoted to global. I was a mod on OpFactions, OpPvP, following with ArcherPvP as well.
Well, congratulations bud, well deserved. Wish you the best of luck with moderating globally and hope it isn't too much for you.
Which players do you guys think deserves to be mod on Op PvP out of those who applied? Also where do I find where the staff moderate?