Really great guy, I've met you in-game a couple of times and you seem really cool and friendly! Tadddddd you have always been one of my greatest friends on MV. We met on Infection while your in-game name was actually Tad and you have always been at my side in-game and on the forums. You're a great friend <3. Oh lord. Here we go. ARESSSSS I LOVE YOUUUU When I first met you I thought you were the perfect Moderator but something about you always seemed off. Then we started talking in-game and upgraded to Skype a while ago. Then I found out what's wrong with you… you are a psycho! You're my role model bae <3 Then there are all those times with Courtney and the face-cam times… and the Hunger games times! I hope to always have you by my side. Especially on OpPvP… Hannah <3 I love you <3 You're a really funny mod that I enjoy sky ping and face-cam ing with… you're also a good partner in helping me make @fryzigg laugh :c. I also hope to be great friends with you for a very long time. Scorpioooooo You were one of the first people I met when I re-joined the server and you instantly became a friend of mine. You tend to be straight forward with me whether there is and issue or so. However, I feel like I've lost connection with you as I never see you in-game anymore… Please talk to me soon. <3 You sir, are a God. Along with Ares and Alexa, you inspired me to apply for Moderator and I will cherish that forever. All those fun times in-game and on the forums… You asking me for help and vice versa. It's nice that you and I still talk every now and then… I miss you being a Mod ;(
<3 Irl events prevent me from taking part in in-game play time. But I will re-join you in-game in mid-late June as I get off school early:D
You are so bae as well <3 You're one of the few people who inspired me to apply for Moderator. Since the day I met you have always been kind to me and you always gave my advice and got me back only my feet when I was down. I feel like we have lost our connection though as we rarely speak to each other ;-; Talk to me please...