My friend, Big_Fat_Butt2424 would like to create a forums account so he can report bugs, players, etc. But, when I help him register, I enter EVERYTHING correctly. When I go to the next page, it says weird code. It is the page right after where you make a password, enter the capacha, etc. Any help is appreciated ~uNsLaIn
I had this same problem, try contacting the support email or get a mod to tag Cypriotmerks or Noobcrew. @Elric @PopIs_MyLife @Ares_Xena @PandaBear__ Otherwise, I know of no fixes.
Where are you trying to make the forum account? Because (off of personal theory) you cannot make two accounts on the same ip address. This is the only reason I could see you having this problem
The issue is with our forums and is complex. It will hopefully be fixed soon. Crew and Merkz are aware. If any more issues persist please feel free to open a new thread.