OP prison: i cannot acsess my plot, how do i fix this? Prison: i am unable to use the command /me and /chest even though i maintain the rank of titan HELP please
Did you ever change your name? Does Titan give you /me and /chest..? http://gyazo.com/aac4637fd339e30b8a63fcd9672b1821
/me does not work for me either even though I am God, and Titans don't even get /chest. Did you change your name on Op Prison, or is it just not accessible?
I am unsure about why you are unable to access certain perms on Prison but I believe there is only one solution for your plot problems on OP Prison. You're going to need to email [email protected] with proof of your old name(use MC Name History), possibly proof that you can't access this plot and your current name as well as your old name. While you are doing this I guess it is worth a try requesting something to be done about these perms. With all of this said, support does get a lot of emails and as far as I'm aware, it is basically Cyp doing all the requests himself so be patient, possibly extremely patient.
I did NOT change my name. its the same, i can open my chest shops, but not my chests which contain like 5 original alpha picks!
In Op Prison, if you hadn't been on since the restart (or whatever it was), you may need to /p dispose then /p claim. Make sure not to /p deny everyone though, it will deny you also. Hope I helped.
Thread locked as the thread OP is inactive. If this is still an issue please report this post, or create a new thread and it will be handled. -Scorvix