Hello, Turn here. In this guide I will explain the way to become richer on Mineverse Factions. Donations: If you are a donator (like me) try selling your kits to other players. This only works once a day but can bring in a decent starting balance. Voting: This is a very good method to getting a daily income, without needing a donation rank. Combine voting with the xp, and create a decent pickaxe which can be bought from /warp shop. Buying/Selling enchanted armour and tools: With mob spawners, grinders and voting comes XP. This XP can be used to enchant armour and tools. You can then auction these for money. You can make a lot of money from a few lucky enchants! Mining: I recommend putting everything you care about in your enderchest before running out of spawn. There are multiple enderchests around spawn or if you're elite+ use /enderchest. Now run out maybe 500 blocks and do /sethome. Return to spawn (/spawn) and retrieve the pickaxe from your enderchest. Build down to between Y:9 and Y:12. Mine for mainly diamonds, a little coal and iron. I have made atleast 100,000 off of this method. Enderman or Pigmen farm: I would consider this the end-tier of money making. Enderpearl farms are much easier to setup but the end is harder to get too. (I recommend buying and end tp.) Grind your Mcmmo on these mobs and sell the drops. Use xp to enchant more tools and armour and sell it to other players using /auc. I hope you enjoyed my guide, be nice to see some new names on /baltop
In mineshaft underground. Or in nether fortresses. I have several skeleton and a few zombie if you are having trouble and would like to buy one.
btw, if you have high salvage, and have donor kit, salvage the donor kit.... idk lol. counts for people lower than MVP... :I