no support. you have been banned many more times than once. and also you are not trustworthy. you ally factions, tp to there base, then enemy and kill them. also you add people to your fac, kick them, then kill them, so no. Also you hack into other peoples enderchests, and you are EXTREMELY racist and you cuss off people that YOU hate and you are in a faction full of hackers... Also you threatened to DDoS me and you death thretened me
That's a faction. We are talking about running the server where he has to make decisions weather they are hacking or no. Looking at other posts Mr_ben would most likely abuse this power and just ban enemies or just ./tp to them to raid them.
And Daniel_wood, why are you supporting Mr_Ben so much your against people saying no support? Its his mod app, not yours he needs to know how to handle peoples comments
No support. When I raided him, he immediately asked for my Skype. I told him come on TeamSpeak I don't want you to ddos me. He replied "I don't ddos, but I know lots of people that can."