I have noticed that a lot of people what name changed to their forums accounts but Cyp is obviously way to busy to deal with the amount of players who want name changes. The alarm that rings in my head is we need a new forum administrator or a forum moderator. I personally think it would be a fabulous idea to promote like 1-2 players. Besides I was looking on ScoFu's profile page and I saw that he replied to Cryptic's commenting saying Cyp needs admin help badly. Feel free to leave your thoughts and to mark your answer inside the pole. I also have come upon some people applying for forum moderator so there is some players out there trying. Anyways thanks for reading.
Crew won't allow an admin in-game, I've asked Cypriot if there will be any promoted in-game, the answer was no, but he didn't mention anything about a forum admin, but though an head-mod/ forum admin has been on mineverse before, I am taking a rough guess that @canucksfan44 or an older mod will be the next to be forum admin/head-mod. [I think Canucks is the oldest remaining mod]. From my P.O.V, I believe we need forum moderators and only 3-5 forum admins, with just the ability to change status', name and personal information, moderators doing the same thing but just changing their name, not details. Overall, I 50% support this. Good luck.
That's not what I meant, what I meant was that he is the oldest remaining staff member, he's been staff for over half a year now.
Cyp, I know my word doesn't mean much to you but I'm going to be honest here. It's honestly quality over quantity - Just because there is 28 forum mods doesn't mean that it is enough. I understand promos have passed, but mods don't exactly have the perms do change names/status' ect. Another thing I'd like to point out to you is the timezones of the staff team. Before promos, a lot of people were complaining about there not being moderators online during(and around) the AUS time zone in game and on the forums. I've noticed that increase on the forums but some game modes are still neglected. I hope that you make the right choice in promoting a forum admin or whatever they are. On a side note, when/will certain mods be promoted to globals?
Yeah, we do need some more AUS moderators. But there really it's a date to when we get new globals, it's completely Cyp's choice.
Certain game modes need certain mods from certain time zones. Factions doesn't need an AUS mod anymore, we have Elric. We need England/US/India mods.
Exactly. Same with OP PvP in a way. Currently the only mod is @xSoulHero (who is doing a pretty good job). I jump servers in my Aussie afternoons and rarely see mods on majority of game modes.