How old are you? I am approximately 14, I have decided that it is not in my best interests to give out my actual age. I believe that it is not the age that counts, it’s the maturity. 14 year old's are often portrayed as immature or often abuse to each-other however I would like to explain my strict opinion in that 14 year old's and younger are not specifically immature. For example some 16 year old's can be unbelievably immature, or they could be extremely mature. It all depends on your upbringing or your understanding of modern day society. Though I am not mature 24/7 I believe it to be in human nature to have fun once in a while. This does not specifically mean that I am immature, just that I like to have a joke or a laugh. Your in-game name: My in-game name is currently BossPvP55 however I have a nickname, this may vary due to the mood that I am in. Along with this minecraft has now implemented a new in-game changer option that allows after every 30 day period the ability to change your name. This means that on occasion I may see fit to change my name however due to the fact that I have my desired name you cannot expect much change in that department. What timezone are u: AEST Australia What country do you live in? Australia What languages do you speak? Only English Why do you think you should become a mod? I want to become a moderator because I am good spirited guy who loves Minecraft and loves playing on Mineverse minecraft server. I would like to help this server to its better being and help my fellow Players and make them happy as well as under control. I will try my best and hardest to keep spammers, hackers, player issues, advertisers, and many other server problem makers under control as I will not take sides I will always give others all the priority. I would also like to be a moderator as it is a role where responsibility and around the clock work is well needed, I can take up all the responsibilities and around the clock as i spend alot of time on this awesome server. I will do justice and always tend to other problems. I will do everything in my power to give everyone the best time they deserve. Why do I think that I am capable for the job? I try my hardest to make servers better. It's not a joke, I honestly do try. Staff, is a serious matter, but not too serious not to have fun. It’s about the balance between having fun and not seeing staff as a boring annoying job that completely drains you and doing your job correctly and efficiently. I put effort into every server I play on. I give 101% and more effort into everything that I do on every server. How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be active on the server all day i might have some breaks here and there to eat. How long have you been playing Mineverse? around the 2 year mark or earlier Have you ever been banned in the past? Yes I'm not gonna lie i got banned for assuming "hacks killaura" Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Indeed I have. I have put a lot of dedication into my servers and the ones that I have been staff on. A quick overview over the detail in this section of my application before I go onto listing the servers and explaining what I have learnt. I want to give some examples of my previous skills or capability of controlling a server and being staff. Over the time that I have played minecraft I have gone from being a ‘noob’ to somewhat a confident mature member of the games community. I have learnt a lot from the servers that I have been staff on and I am always learning more and more, every day. Some of the servers that I have been on have taught me how to handle players, how to be mature and how to enjoy playing at the same time. Which two servers would you like to moderate? Skywars and kitpvp
maybe enter on different sections. Look at my layout... Two Enters for a different section and one enter for under the heading, for my support. Also, put more into why you should be a mod. My past app was, not gonna lie, rubbish, but i edited mine and now i have a lot more chance. Think about helpfulness, maturity and generally open for change :D. Just some friendly advice. Also add more colour for each section.
Make a better title for the application. "Staff App" isn't the best. [Aus] LordOfNuggetZ's Moderator Application Something along those lines.
Hello! Some tips to improve your app would be: ~Adding much more information, preferably to the 'why you think you should be a moderator' section. Possibly add personal traits you have? ~Calming down with the colour, you're confusing my eyes, aha. Good luck~