New application. If this is ok Age (optional): 14 Qualifications: I am a highly active member on the forums and ingame. I am mature, helpful and friendly. I have a extensive knowledge on hacks and bans, and minecraft. I will help people work out why they are ban and how to write a good appeal to be unban. Do you have a knowledge of the rules and follow them? Yes. I have read them many times and I always follow them. If accepted do you agree to actively attend to requests? Yes. I am active on the forums and will handle any request. Thanks King
I wouldn't take advice on how to get unbanned from people that are currently banned / have ten past bans. Buuut that is just me~
If they have been banned then they have experience, and know the risks of disobeying the rules. Most people change after they have been to the other side. When you say currently banned, who do you mean?
In-game username: MrPronounce Banning staff member: Noobcrew Alleged reason for ban: Not been given a reason yet. Evidence from the ban: Not seen yet. Sidenote: I have been banned since the 24th of April, I think, it could be the 23rd. I made my appeal on the 24th. A few mods have tried to help me out. I only post this here, because I do not understand the reasoning behind my ban. 9 days banned, no reason behind it, as of yet.
Being banned by Noobcrew is a very tricky situation. He owns the server and removes whomever he deems unfit. If he won't respond to you, chances are that he won't bother with us too. What gamemode(s) are you banned from?
Lobby is possibly DDoS threats, actually DDoSing, Chargeback, Account hacking and Advertising. Now let's be honest here.. Have you done any illegal activity in the past 30days? @MrPronounce(Kyle)
Have you done any illegal activity in the last 30days? Even jokingly saying I will DDoS or Hack you, even messing around and saying you will hack the server. Does anything come to mind?
I haven't said anything along the lines of Ddossing or hacking anyone. I've had people upgrade me before and I was recently scammed.
Okay, my question was have you done ANY illegal activity at all of any sort in the last 30 days? People upgrading you can be a bad idea, they can chargeback and you lose your donor rank and get banned.