No support. You're suppose to answer all the questions, why do you think the template was given for? Also, you didn't complete all the sentences. Add more info/detail. If you're "69 years of age", then you would've been expected to do more than what you have done. Fix your grammar/punctuation. You don't seem mature. It's the fifth page yet you still didn't put more effort into your mod app.
I didn't answer all the questions cause my pc was being crap and erased most of the questions, sorry ill add them later
I was joking about being "69" ik my grammar is crap im working on my maturity and its the 6th page now and i didn't really see all the messages so :l
No support. Your immaturity will not get you anywhere, neither will your extreme disrespect towards a lot of other players. The fact that you were banned doesn't make the situation any better either. Your application is very lacking. You basically concentrated more on prettiness than what you are actually supposed to do, which is provide your viewers with a very detailed and convincing application that contains everything it needs to contain. The grammar mistakes are also extremely bad. I can hardly read the application. If you were to grow up and start being mature, maybe so many people wouldn't be giving you the thumbs down right now, which of them includes me. For now, no support. Good luck! EDIT: Tell us your age and a bit about yourself (IRL). To some it might make you seem insecure. ditto
I am gonna say neutral because I know you can be a great person but your application needs some help. Good luck girly ;).
Yes I choose to support you, I know you did get banned but I have found out that you are a really nice person, though just a bit more adjustments, and just space it out better and make your questions in Bold writing so its easier to read, REMEMBER: BOLD WRITING FOR QUESTIONS AND USE A BIT MORE Color