Thanks for the feedback, although... we haven't talked in around 2 weeks... I am very different and some of that isn't true.
While I was reading I would have to strain my eyes to see some of the text. I suggest you make the bright text darker
No support sorry. Your mean to me and the community. Mod would just not fit you. Sorry. Try to be more active, nicer, help out new players. And then I might change my mind.
No support. Extremely rude, your harass people, threaten to ddos (idgaf if you say you can't, you threaten anyways. Stop acting tough.) etc etc
Sorry Circlings but I cannot support this for the following reasons. ~ You've been extremely racist to me ~ You have been rude to other players. ~ I've reported you a couple of times for harassment. Sorry, but no support Circlings Good luck.
Just some friendly advice: Don't mention about donating or your donor rank in your application. How much you have attributed to the server money-wise is not a quality that is looked for when choosing new moderators and often times only hurts you and your application. Good luck.
No support. Not even a week ago, like maybe a few days ago you were dpaing in chat and you are very disrespectful towards people. You tp trap, you lie and you go off on people for no reason. You will not receive my support.
I don't wana crash your mod app but your on kitpvp saying you don't care and some what about your mod app So good luck on this now...