And I should respect him because? If my parents did that to me, I'd most likely end up in a really bad depression. The poor girl was most likely in a bad mood and wanted to relieve some stress. I sometimes do that too, but in a diary. But the reason for filming himself shoot his daughter's laptop is beyond my understanding. I do not respect this man, at all. And who keeps a gun at home ;-; If he had got angrier, he might of even shot his daughter. Gosh, you think you have terrible parents, then you see this.
Wow, going to that extent as to shoot the laptop? Sell it if you need money. Logic 10/10 Why post it on YouTube? Like dang.
To make the poor girl feel even worse. Can you imagine what her feelings were? Being ashamed in front of the whole internet? People nowadays disgust me.
I know right, that isn't parenting. That is straight up being a crap father. You are supposed to talk through that stuff, not share it with the entire world. If you loved her you would be more compassionate. Jeez.
I think saying that losing a laptop would send you into a really bad depression is a bit too much of an exaggeration. I mean they're in a rural area, there's lots of stuff to do. It also explains the gun, lol. This guy has the right idea, but he's doing it in a way that might not be so ethical.
I wouldn't end up being depressed for losing a laptop, I'd be depressed for being ashamed in front of the whole internet. So what if they're in a rural area? Kids are still kids and they all have their own struggles.
IIRC, there wasn't any name involved, so the only people who would know are the people who know who that man is, which is probably a very small percentage of the viewers. Also, witch hunting for something as trivial as that is very unlikely. Another thing is that people only watch that video because the guy puts a few rounds into a girl's laptop because she was being disrespectful, I don't think anyone really gives a sh*t other then that.
He took it too far. He could've just taken the laptop away for a while, he didn't have to shoot it. That video went viral and millions of people saw it. That sort of stuff is meant to be private.
Sometimes it's really hard to know who's telling the truth in these parent to child battles. For all we know, the daughter could be greatly exaggerating, and the father could be lying to make him look like he's right. In my opinion, if you would compare the children's chores of today and the children's chosen from the 70's, you would find our parents had it much harder then we did. Probably because of that, they want us to work just as hard as they did, but at the same time, there have been technological advancements that do a lot of the work for us already. Yet children are expected to still do a large amount of house work. And on a side not, if I was that dad, I would get my daughter to fix the lawn, because that just looked bad with a grass patch here and there. Lots of people do. I myself own a gun, and then my father has two guns. They are fun to play with (shooting practice such as bottle/can shooting), also good for protection like in a robbery or break in murder, and going on a hunting trip with your buddies is always a good time. Finally, I had to put this in
my dad is pretty scary when he angry. but geez, thats rage for you. but I can understand some of the dads troubles. In this situation, I think both sides overreacted to the problem. the dad and girl blew it all of preportion.