How old are you? I am eighteen years of age. What is your in-game name? My in-game name is Zinncraft. My original name was imjoesostfungtfo, but it was a name I came up with back in Minecraft's beta, several years ago now. It was embarassing and immature, so I changed it. What time zone are you in? I am in Eastern Time Zone. What country do you live in? I live in the United States of America, East coast Massachusetts. What languages do you speak? I speak English, et Français un peu. J'ètudie souvent. Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should become a mod because I frequently play on this server and I feel very strongly about the terrible ways people speak in the chat box, using all sorts of profanity and sexual innuendo in front of young children. It is unacceptable, and I want to help clean the place up a bit. Also, the level of care taken to ensure that all matters and disputes within the server is severly lacking. I have been playing on this server for months, a few hours daily at the least, and I have only ever seen two mods speak, once each. Fraudulence is rampant, and something needs to be done to steer Mineverse back in the right direction. Also, there are rumors going around that eleven year olds are accepted as mods... if this is true, the blind are leading the blind. This server needs fair, kind, and most of all mature moderators. I wish to bring positive, helpful change to Mineverse, and to do so with dedication, honesty, kindess, and a policy of fair treatment for all players. I can and will set aside any and all bais if it exists, in whatever situation I must respond to. Complete objective analysis and use of common sense and fair judgement will be the tools I plan to use in dealing with the daily conflicts and disputes across both the game servers and the forums. My mission is to serve Mineverse while I play, and bring with me as much positivity and open mindedness as possible. My Skills: I have three and a half years of work experience in real life, and I am used to working twelve hour days six days a week. I am an incredibly hard worker who takes places all responsibilities at the top of the priority list. I have worked in a nursing home as a dietary aide, a waiter at New Tokyo restaurant, and I have worked for a snow plowing group herein Mass for a few winters. My longest held job would be the nursing home, where I worked for two years. The shortest job was New Tokyo, but even I believe I have more than enough experience to qualify myself for this position. Personality Traits: Strengths: I consider myself to be very mature and level headed. I am good at working with others as part of a larger group or community. I am very social, and I love meeting and talking to new people. I try to find humor in every situation, but I recognize a clear line where things need to get serious. I keep a zero-tolerance policy towards rude or hurtful behavior. Weaknesses: I have been told when reprimanding co-workers that I can sound a tad mean, though it certainly isnt intentional. Also, I deal with issues so neutrally and objectively that it might seem like I dont care, though of course this isnt the case. How long can you be active on The server every day? I can be active on the server more so on some days than others. Expect me to be on around three and a half to six and a half hours daily. How long have you played mineverse? I have been playing on mineverse servers for around five months, and I have made a faction (no longer around) and I am now the second in command of a prominent group. Have you ever been banned in the past? I have never been banned from the server, nor have I ever had any type of discipline placed upon me. Lead by example. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I do not have any experience as a moderator, but I have been playing on multiplayer servers ever since Minecraft was live and supported them. I have roughly six years of minecraft experience, as I began playing waaaaay back in the beta version. Which two servers would you like to moderate? I would like to moderate the Factions server and Survival server. I am on the faction server 90% of the time, and 2nd in command of LordsofOlympuss
No support. I don't see you on Factions much. Add more information. Be more active on forums. Good luck
No Support. - Bold the questions. - Add more information. - Attempt to get Active Member! - Try to be abit more active. Good luck.
I support you Zinncraft. You're an honest guy and a good player, and are concerned with people being disrespectful to others, especially with children in the forum. I think you would be a good moderator. We have been friends for awhile now, and I know you play straight and are an honest person on this game. Good luck! Hope this works out for you!
Firstly, your friends aren't helping your case by going through and disagreeing with anyone who doesn't support. It's quite rude and immature considering that these people are providing true, constructive criticism. @DragonFire0704 and Anyway, I cannot support. For one, you've only got 11 messages on the forums which shows you're not active, and secondly I've never seen you in game. I wish you the best of luck though.
I only gave my opinion and there is nothing wrong with that, I was not rate farming and I found out about that rule afterwards.
You've given dislike and disagree ratings to every post that has said no support and agreed with the one post that has supported. As well as this, any post that Zinn has made, you've liked. It's not a good look on their Moderator application.
I will stay neutral as of now, until you become more active within the forums. To answer one of your questions, you need to achieve 70 Trophy points to gain the title "Active-Member". - Goodluck!
The apology means nothing as long as the ratings are still there. It's ok to disagree. It's not ok to spam a thread with disagree ratings. There is a difference. Zin you seem nice enough. I would recomend becoming more active here on the forums and getting to know the community. This post tells me you have little experience with XenForo or how things work here on the forums. We were all new here once so please don't take this offensively. To reach "active member" you simply become more active just as the name suggests. You can obtain it by posing more on forums. There are tons of threads here with members asking for help or introducing themselves. Drop a note and say hi. Offer help when needed. A little forums love goes a long way. As for this application I wish you luck and welcome you from the bottom of my butts. Ps: Don't let the disagrees get you down. Listen to the ones with helpful suggestions and apply them should you see them fit. If they give no reason for their no-support their options don't matter. :P
Thank you, this is a perfect example of constructive criticism. Im working hard to get involved here on the forums, I hope to one day change your mind!
Thank you to both the supporters and the non supporters who took the time to explain what I need to work on, I will do my very best!:pomp: