"If you took offense to something" omfg, you called my shop a tacky cluttered knockoff and me a fool for trying to have a high leveled island, yet you believe that Im the negative one (facepalm). I feel sorry for those around you, you are a manipulative pathological liar, the real life Cartman, good day to you too.
@Archangel175 Seek therapy or dont skip your meds, you mentioned my shop and called everyone who doesn't share your views a fool, you made a "shoe" with a specific size, you said that yet you keep returning for more. Having a hard time keeping up with reality Archie? Go ahead, try to say nothing for one more time, who knows maybe this time you fool someone and give him the impression that you said something.
This is my old island if any of you are curious or wondering where it went. My brother is holding the island for now. /Warp Servershop http://imgur.com/ziuMJGG,PBs1YAo