Obviously CypriotMerks doesn't want to promote those people. Before you say you despise our staff team, you try being a Moderator. It's no walk in the park, I'll tell you that. My overall opinion on this topic, is to go global. I think it would be nice to not have to check which gamemode the Moderator moderates before asking for help.
I'd love to be a moderator, it'd keep me on my feet. I agree somewhat with your opinion on global although I think that after a certain time of moderating 2 servers one should be promoted to global. Take Alexa for example, she's been a quite active and helpful mod, and she plays many game modes. With this said it should be a staffs decision whether they would like to go global. Some mods may play another game mode at times to get away from moderating which is perfectly fine.
I agree with this completely. As I said in my thread, most people will never understand how much mods do for our server. But, that's just how it is. Not every mod is appreciated, but I do believe that every mod has helped us greatly. One problem that we can never avoid is hate. That's something we'll have to accept.
I hate to break it to you, but Cyp doesn't spend all that much time on here. I'm sure once a day he logs on and stares at the portal index or handles some server issues, but the server he really cares about is sky block.
You sure? Crew and Merkz try to devote all their time to all of the servers they own. It's a lot of pressure on them really.
Ya I know they care, but I personally don't think they care enough. So then you're probably going to ask me who runs the servers? Well, it's the mods. They are the ones that keep things under control, or at least try..
Is it possible that @TannerLittle could develop a plugin, so that when a mod bans someone, the person who reported them gets money. Such as /rewardban (reported person) (person who reported). This would encourage people to report rule offenders. Some rewards could include spawners, cash, armour, kits, and other rare items depending on what gamemode.
If there was a reward to reporting, people would false report. There would probably be many false reports, and lots of false kill aura. Because people just want the money. Reporting itself should be a reward because you are helping the server and getting rid of rule breakers.
No, reporting is supposed be to help the moderators, we don't need a reward since it's helping the community.
Yes, staff isn't a walk in a park but CypriotMerks doesn't give that many opportunities to players to prove themselves.