Some popular servers have implemented this rule such as the Archon and Hypixel, but I don't think it should be implemented here, because there are very few people who change their names, but it does take up time mods could be using to ban people for more serious offences such as hacking and disrespect. Oh btw, a better website for looking up people's old usernames is
Support/No Support i have seen 6 year olds on this server and will ask to their parents "What does D*ck Mean" No Support its because this is MINECRAFT ITS FUN
So here's the thing, Now that players have the ability to change their names, I think that they do indeed have the right to change it to whatever the hell they want to. No matter how stupid or ridiculous or inappropriate it may be... But IF this was to be implemented, the one factor that seems a little bit too much is the fact that they are discriminated as a whole from the server. If they are mute then they can't even /msg players to communicate with people (that can handle these strong names) , or ask for help and all of their questions would go unnoticed. It seems.. unfair. And I am not supporting these foul names either. I do think they should do something about it but I am not sure what we could do that would work alright well for both sides. Try at least to find something we can do about usernames that have major profanity and obviously sexual names. All these super young children loosing their innocence ..
I'm sorry if young children get offended by rude names, half of them already told me they did the cinnamon challenge with my grandfather's ashes. They practically already know everything rude needed to be known. No support.
I like the suggestion yet... i dislike it. Personally some names are too offensive and i would love to see them removed. But under what criteria can we deem a name to be inappropriate? Racial names? and name with a cuss word in them? Maybe on one hand a name will be inappropriate to one mod, but not to another. Will this create reports? or people arguing their name is appropriate and mods are abuse blah blah. If someone...say.. didnt name change and have a rude name, why should they change their name? If a person name changed to something rude then i see more use in punishing them with a mute. But in reality the rule has to be really thought out to work. If it does work here, possibly it will work for skyblock, but i dont know im guessing this rule will be up to crew and cyp to discuss.
In my opinion the only names that need to be banned are ones that are racist and those that are changed just to insult another player. I know the server is suppose to be child friendly so people don't want curse and sex words in there name but in all fairness they have probably heard it before. Just from my experience with kids ill try and avoid saying bad words around them but when i do they honestly don't care or just laugh so i would just stick to muting offence(racial) and derogatory names.
The name deemed inappropriate would be any word that would be filtered had the word been said in public chat. In other words bypassing filter rules. The PWN filter is in place to stop offensive words in chat. Changing the name of an item in an anvil is one way to bypass the filter. Your minecraft user name can also bypass PWN filter. Using the same rules to determine what is appropriate or inappropriate would clear confusion. (hope you understand what I am saying) If you can't say the word in chat, it shouldn't be allowed in usernames. Hope that clears up any confusion.