You're an extremely nice guy and pretends to steal Alex off me. .-. But anyhow, I think you're a really kind/friendly guy and I am glad to have a friend such as you. I do not really know much about you. :t I created the name "Feurin," it means "Fear Me." I think you're an awesome guy, you've been my friend really, since the start of my MV career. You're kind/respectful to everyone. You're funny and an amazing person. :3 I won't be doing you two because I could go all day. :3 I'll just briefly do you two, ;3 You're both kind, respectful and great people in general. You two are one of my best friends on MV and in MC in general. I only met you like, 4 months ago, but you seem cool and funny. An amazing guy. A good friend of mine from infection, really cool. Don't know much about you.