There's no way I can support you. Ever. You are disrespectful and immature. You called splash potions "gay" and when I warned you not to use profanity, you replied with "stfu". Here's the screenshots:,VjSiuTV (make sure to see both). Also, I've never seen you help anyone and that's what moderator is for. However, I wish you good luck. :D
I barely play on the server. I want forum mod if you didn't see. and yes. I'm salty. I take things litteral and don't care about things. Not gonna deny it. But when I have a responsibility I show it and I only want to monitor forums. But I appreciate your response. And saying something is gay is not profanity. It is another way in which I use it to say it is stupid. So please get your facts right. K.thanks
Saying something is gay is profanity. And my point was that you're immature. In order to moderate anything, you must be mature and responsible. You also must have respect and clearly you didn't have any for me or for anyone who took that offense personally.
It is not. Also, you grave dug this. I haven't posted in this for awhile and you dug it up to point out my mistakes? That's really quite stupid. Especially if you're that desperate to get at me when I get on the server about once every 2 months. XD so just stop.
I didn't grave dig this... It was on the third page. Anyways, I'm not desperate to get at you. I'm simply confronting you for your mistake. I also wanted to point this out so that everyone could take your level of responsibility and maturity into account before they decide to support or not support.
Grave digs don't apply to Mod apps. Regarding the app, no support. You don't seem like you would fit the position.