Welcome! Preface - I have thought of an idea, that I've never seen on the Mineverse forums before. As you can tell by the title, it's "Create your own staff team :>". This game is quite, simple. The objective is to create the best staff team (in your opinion) composed of players / moderators among on Mineverse (not .net or .org, unless they play both). Disclaimer - This is solely for creative purposes, and is not to be taken literal. If you make your team, don't think that this will increase their chances of becoming a mod. Rules : Do not create arguments / flame wars , I will delete ALL off-topic messages. Do not advertise a player's mod application , I will delete ALL advertisements. You must have between 5-20 players / staff. You do not have to use any current staff. Again, DO NOT ARGUE Do not abuse the ratings, just because you don't agree with someone, doesn't mean you have to rate every post. Everyone has their opinions, respect it. Have fun, and choose wisely :> I made this, because I'm curious to who people would make staff, if they had the chance. Act as if you're an Admin / Head-Mod, recruiting reliable players / staff to be handling Mineverse.
@PandaBear__ @Dontchallengeme @UncleUrnesto @Elric @Pile_of_Butts @SanityPrevails @MrParkourGuy @canucksfan44 @tin15cro @xxxvan @ViperSanity @AgentWifi @DjRyan @MaxNinja10 @Noobcrew @canucksfan44
@Ares_Xena @UncleUrnesto @Diggy @Elric @xxElitayy @SanityPrevails @Pile_of_Butts @DjRyan @Alexa @Mookiezzx @xxxvan @PandaBear__ @AgentWifi @tin15cro @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @Dontchallengeme @ImTubeless
@MrParkourGuy @MrPronounce(Kyle) @PandaBear__ @Christi @Mindsensation @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @Dontchallengeme @SanityPrevails @PopIs_MyLife @Ares_Xena @Yin @ImTubeless @Zambiana @xxElitayy @Troy
@SomeGuy @Puri~ @MrParkourGuy @Glaadiator @Zambiana @fryzigg @canucksfan44 @tin15cro @xxxvan @Firo @McMuffin__ @ChloyyBear @SanityPrevails @larrythebird101 @Incomposed @DjRyan (I guess) @jadey64 @PandaBear__ @Pile_of_Butts
@PandaBear__ @MrParkourGuy @MaxNinja10 @salamander9o @DjRyan @Pile_of_Butts @Glaadiator @SanityPrevails @Taylor @MadiStr3ak @ChloyyBear @ScoFu13 @KatoKillsMyGPA @Christi This is my list as of now, I didn't include any of the staff team because they are all doing an amazing job, and I would have to put all of them.
@Alexa @Ares_Xena @Dontchallengeme @Grace Panda @xxxvan @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @Mega @larrythebird101 @PandaBear__ @Pile_of_Butts @Wario957 @fryzigg @Glaadiator @Diggy @ScoFu13 @tin15cro @AgentWifi @DjRyan @ImTubeless @Elric And of course @LeeLee @PopIs_MyLife @bananaman11223 @MadiStr3ak and @melgrath
@Pile_of_Butts @TheInsaneManiac @SanityPrevails @Chezby @ScoFu13 @Glaadiator @Elric @PopIs_MyLife @PinkStr3ak @DjRyan
Owner: @Mega Co owner: @Ares_Xena Head-mod: @Mookiezzx Mods: @PandaBear__ @SuperHeroSean @canucksfan44 @PopIs_MyLife @Pile_of_Butts Head guard: @tin15cro Guards: @LeeLee @DoctorDistructo @Puri~ My dream staff team.. This staff team would be amazing.
Owner @PinkStr3ak Head Mod @PinkStr3ak Head Guard @PinkStr3ak Mods @PinkStr3ak @PinkStr3ak @PinkStr3ak @PinkStr3ak @MadiStr3ak @PinkStr3ak @PinkStr3ak @BlueStr3ak @PinkStr3ak @PinkStr3ak @PopIs_MyLife @PinkStr3ak Guards @PinkStr3ak @PinkStr3ak @PinkStr3ak It would be 10000x better this way I promise.