Hello, welcome to the ☠Infection☠ faction recruitment thread. ☢Rules☢ 1. No greifing any part of the faction base. 2. No hacking. (nobody likes hackers, just don't do it) 3. No betraying. 4. Please be active. 5. Please follow the template provided below. If rules are not followed, player may be kicked from the faction and/or get reported on the forums. ☣Info☣ The faction is pretty new and does not have a faction base yet. The owner of the faction (me) is currently working on one. Also the Owner will not promote you to a member (+) until you have been a recruit for 2 weeks. ✪Staff & Members.✪ Owner/Leader (Ebola) : xXxSnowWolfxXx Officers (Aids) : ZacDoesMC Members (Fever) : None Recruits (Flu) : Sodochop ☼Faction Application Template☼ In-game name: Age (Optional, may help the decision if put down): Donor Rank (If have): How often do you go on OP Factions?: How will I be able to trust you?: MCMMO Power lvl (/mcstats) (Screenshot): How will you be able to help?: Do you hack/ have a modified version of Minecraft?: How good are you at PvP? (1-10): Will you greif?: Conclusion Sorry if the application template was a bit long! :3 Anyways, I wish you guys all luck in getting accepted and thanks for your time! ~Snow
Sodochop 11, soon to be 12 (But very mature) None :( No I go on OP-Factions on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays Look at my new Moderator app ? Yes, just to see what you guys do Help by : PvP-ing intruders No 7 Never in my life