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  • [AUS] ✮ xFeurin's Moderator Application ✮

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Feurin, Apr 7, 2015.

    1. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Part #1 -


      Hello everyone. I know I have applied a few times and things didn't quite turn out to go so well. This time I will make sure that I do everything right and that I do not create wars, nor create nonsense throughout the whole mineverse community whether it is in-game, or on the forums, no matter which post or thread. I promise to be x10 times more mature and responsible than I was before and I will do the proper format this time as my last one was in guard format. I locked my last moderator application on 10,000+ views and 1,000+ replies but half of them were from me, so on this thread, that won't be happening.


      Hello everyone! I am xFeurin, most of you may know me from the Prison server, as I am well-known on most of the Mineverse servers. Most of you know me from Prison/Creative, as them being the servers that I am most active on, but you will see me on alot of other servers because I usually like playing on Infection, OP-PvP ect. I like helping out with the community. My biggest goal which was accepted, was to help the Mineverse servers with a suggestion that I created, I created an infection map and it got added. My first name is Hayden, I don't really like people calling me it but if it is in a PM [Private Message] I don't bother people calling me it, but calling me by my first name in the global chat is what I do not like as it confuses players and makes me feel weird.
      How old am I?

      Currently, I am at the age of 17.

      My In-Game Name:


      My Time-Zone:

      Eastern Australian Time-Zone. [UTC+10:00]

      My Country/State that I live in:
      I live in New South Wales, Australia.

      My Language(s):

      I only speak Australian-English with the ability to fluently speak Japanese, Chinese and French.

      How Active am I?:

      It all depends on what my family has on. Some days I can be really active, some maybe not as much.

      Monday/Tuesday: 1-4 hours.
      Wednesday: 1-6 hours.
      Thursday: 1-6 1/2 hours.
      Friday: 1-8 hours.
      Saturday/Sunday: Possibly all day.
      Usually I am on forums once every half an hour for 10 minutes, I consider that being really helpful for players who may need help on the forums.

      How long have I been playing Mineverse?:

      I am fairly sure that I have been playing for almost 1 1/2 years.

      Have I ever been banned in the Past?:

      I have been banned two times on Infection and once on OP-PvP, ages ago though, probably at-least a year ago so I do not think they really count. I understand what I did wrong, never have a plan to get banned again.

      Do I have any past experience as a moderator?

      I am positive that I have. I have had experience and personal training with moderation's on other forums and other servers. I have never ever been a moderator on such a big server like this, the most I have been moderator on would be with no more than 100 people. I know simple commands and simple reasons to ban/temp-ban/mute/kick people for.

      Last edited: Nov 21, 2015
    2. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Part #2 -
      Why do you think I think I should become moderator?:

      I think I should be moderator because I have simple traits that I perfect and I enjoy helping people throughout the Mineverse Community. Simple Traits such as these; I perfect.


      As a time-zone problem, I believe that I should be apart of the moderator position because there are currently no Aussie moderators, besides Fryzigg, Fryzigg is the only Aussie mod that I am aware of and the rest are European/American. I would like to be a moderator to help out the people who are in the Australian/New-Zealand time-zone as not many moderators can be on at that time and that is when alot of the help is needed due to the lack of moderators in that time-zone.
      I can be extremely active on both servers that I have selected to be moderator on. I'm usually active on every server throughout the Mineverse servers. I don't just play one gamemode, I play a variety of gamemodes. I think that I'd get more "Well-Known" if I played all gamemodes instead of one. I have a list of my days that I could possibly be active on and that I can play on and dedicate my time to the specific server. I try to spend most of my time on Prison/OP-PvP as they are my favourite gamemodes and the ones with the least/inactive moderators as they spare their time into other gamemodes and just avoid that server.

      Monday/Tuesday: 1-4 hours.
      Wednesday: 1-6 hours.
      Thursday: 1-6 1/2 hours.
      Friday: 1-8 hours.
      Saturday/Sunday: Possibly all day.

      I usually see alot of people having the use of contraband's. I would like to put a full-stop to contraband's when I am on. I think it gives players a highly unfair advantage because the people are using contraband's and they're just there with a sword following the rules.

      I'd like to put a full-stop to this type of stuff:

      Mature/Follow Rules:

      I am a mature player, and I follow the rules all the time, even when new rules come out, or they get taken away, replaced with new rules, I'd follow them even if they were invisible. I'm mature, alot of people could disagree with that, but no, I am never immature, yes I like to have a play around every now and then, but I never take it too far, like an immature person probably would.

      I am a responsible person, I can be trusted to moderate a server whilst no other people that are higher than me are on, I'd take it seriously and own up for my mistakes that I could make, I never lie, nor do I put people down, unless I accidentally do something that I am unaware of. I usually like to think of myself as a "hard worker," meaning, I try to do my best at all times to try and impress everyone and to let them think greatly about me.

      I am reliable. I believe the job of a moderator should be running a server, making sure it's perfect for players to enjoy their time on. I believe I have the capability to do this. I am reliable in many ways in which people treat me and or think about me. I believe that when a moderator is on it's own, it shouldn't abuse it's powers or do anything wrong, this is a negative thing. I would never do anything like this if I got this opportunity. I would benefit this sub-heading greatly because I believe that I am reliable and that I should be trusted to do this job.
      I can be helpful if I get asked to be, I am willing to help anyone out when ever it's needed. Sometimes there may be times that I cannot help - because maybe not enough knowledge of what you're suffering. But most of the times, I am always here for everyone and I will always help people whenever it is needed. No matter what condition they're in, I will be there for them.
      Can Detect Hacks:

      I have the ability to know what hacks look like, and I can tell the different from lag, hacks and mods, I have a YouTube channel with a recorder, so I am eligible of recording/reporting them if necessary. The hack alot of people use is mainly Kill Aura and alot of people can tell that, but not many people can tell if they're lagging or not.

      I have high standard of knowledge of how a moderator should moderate a server. I know all the basic commands and punishments. Simple commands such as /kick, /ban, /mute, I know of and I know the exact time and the exact place on where to use the commands.

      /tempban <Player> <Reason> - Breaking Rules, Extreme profanity/harassing, Refuse to follow the rules and being mean.
      /Ban <Player> <Reason> - Hacking, Advertising, Extreme Staff/Player disrespect and being extremely mean towards others.
      /mute <Player> <Reason> - Being Harsh, Harassing, Continuously spamming and using profanity and arguing in global chat.


      I have had "mild-experience" with moderation things. Meaning I haven't had "great" experience but it is mild, so I am good at it but I don't know "pro" stuff. I know simple commands and reasons to execute those commands [stated above in "knowledge" but I have less understandings with others than others, meaning I may know alot about one thing, but less about something else. Usually in cases where I do not know many things is when it comes to new commands/plugins which I am unaware and never heard of.

      I am patient. I usually wait till people to ask/talk to me and I am really quiet in the chat when I am not needed. I usually like helping people, but when they don't need someone, patience is needed. I think a good moderator should be patient at all times because they never know what'll happen.

      Apart of being a good moderator, is by not being biased. Being biased is giving players an un-fair advantage because you wouldn't ban him, but you'd ban her/him if they did something wrong. I find that extremely rude and inappropriate. I think a good moderator should ban whoever is doing something wrong, instead of letting her/his friend do something wrong without a warning/ban. I think this is a thing that should be taken seriously and not being in-played.
      I would never tell a lie to anyone in the community in no-matter what situation, I would be completely honest, even if I did something, I wouldn't tell a lie to anyone, because it'll put my rep down - and lead to haters. I am very trustworthy also, I can be trusted to do hard work; such as moderating, and I can do it easily without causing trouble. I'm not that guy who sits down all day and wingers all day because something bad happened and I wouldn't know how to fix it.


      I am supportive, I support my peers with really anything they do, whether they're going somewhere, applying for mod, helping others in-game. I'm also encouraging, I like encouraging people to try out new things around the community, I feel that this is important because it builds up your reputation and makes others feel great about themselves.

      Good Grammar/English/Fast Typer:

      I have fairly good grammar and I am an expert at English, spelling very little mistakes, unless I've pressed the wrong key on my keyboard - usually is when I make a bad spelling. I find it as a necessary perk that you are a fast typer, meaning you can help people faster, say what you need to say faster, etc.

      Thank you everyone for viewing my moderator application, this position would mean alot to me and if I got it, I swear to not let anyone down. If you're leaving your feedback here, I would like it to be just a Support-Reason or a No Support-Reason, I do not want any flame wars, just like my other one did. Thank you.
      Last edited: Nov 21, 2015
    3. Myrla

      Myrla Experienced Member

      Aug 3, 2014
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      Can you pls get mod already Support
    4. Nightfire88539

      Nightfire88539 Well-Known Member

      Jun 5, 2014
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      Support 2nd :P. Myrla ;-;
    5. ImTopmass

      ImTopmass Boss Member

      Jun 28, 2014
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      Neutral to this.
    6. lachie_jones99

      lachie_jones99 Active Member

      Sep 1, 2014
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      We need someone like you on moderating prison especially. You are kind, caring and have been my friend for almost a year. You know how to handle certain situations and have loads of knowledge on OP PvP and prison. You know how to spot and catch hackers with ease.
      Good luck Nub
    7. Dark

      Dark Experienced Member

      Feb 8, 2015
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      How can I not support this? A big support elite! And you get a bonus because you're so nice to me and we are friends.
    8. Electric_

      Electric_ Well-Known Member

      Nov 24, 2014
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      Support, why did you make a new one?

      If there was a reason, then i didn't know. ;3
    9. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Thank you for your early support and reply, exactly 1 minute after I had posted.
      Thank you Night, means alot to me. Myrla just beat you. :P
      Okay, thank you for your reply.
      Thank you Lachie for saying why you support me and for saying it so nicely, I was not expecting such a nice reply, means alot to me that you've replied to my application with a nice reply. Means alot to me.
      Thank you so much! I'm so happy to know that I help you!
      Thanks for your support.

      If you're wondering why I closed the other application, it's simple really... I closed it because I had to catch up with school and the application was in a mess. With 10,000 views and 1,000 replies, I don't think I would get it. But, since it was in the guard section which got removed, it led to be not being able to edit. If I was able to edit it, then it'd probably be still going. I decided to start freshly off again, seeing that I am trying to make a huge impact on my behaviour and attitude that I have towards the Mineverse community. I am trying to minimize my negative behaviour to 0.00.
    10. Myrla

      Myrla Experienced Member

      Aug 3, 2014
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      Das right.
    11. Annual

      Annual Experienced Member

      Mar 9, 2015
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      You used to always try and compete with me when I was applying for Guard :P you're much like XDIsAwesome from Skyblock, you have a lot of potential like he did but he thought too lowly of himself, gave up. I support you,
    12. Dontchallengeme

      Dontchallengeme Experienced Member

      Mar 31, 2014
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      As a player viewing you - Whilest I was applying for mod, and spent a vast majority of my time viewing other's mod apps, in order to see what I could add to mine, and what I wasn't doing that others were doing, I noticed a lot of "no supports" from you.
      Still to this day, I've never seen you "support" a mod application.
      I feel like that's your way of lowering others views on themselves, and making them look less qualified.
      You're immature in game, you lack the motivational drive to help players out, and on Infection (the few amounts I've seen you) you're more worried about the game than the chat / players.

      As a moderator viewing the entire situation -Whilest being moderator, you get thrown under immense amounts of pressure / spam. I believe that you as a player (from what I've seen) aren't ready for the obstacles it takes to maintain the position "Moderator" . I'm not in any sense putting down your hopes. I'm being honest, as I'm supposed to do.
      I understand with this new application, you're a "new you" . Meaning, you'll be respectful, more mature, and all of that, but from experience, you can't just snap your fingers and become a different person. It takes trial and error. You closed your last app on March 28th, that's less than 2 weeks ago.
      Unless you've went from 0-110 in 2 weeks, I don't support this application as of now.
      That is subject to change, and I'd prefer you prove me wrong. But, the entire point of the "comment section" is for members to post their views / standpoints. & I hope that you respect that.

      Best of luck in your journey,
    13. Squire

      Squire Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      Good luck. :3
    14. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      Support <3 good luck
    15. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      no support. I haven't seen any change in your character whatsoever.
    16. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support.
    17. Grays0n

      Grays0n Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No Support.
    18. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Thank you for your Support Annual. :)
      Thank you for those words/your input.

      Thanks for your Support.
      Thanks for your Support Alex. :D
      Thank you so much for your Support/Luck.
      Thank you for replying on my mod app/stating why you didn't support me.
      Thank you both of you for posting on my moderator application, any way I can improve with my behaviour ect?
    19. Grays0n

      Grays0n Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2015
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      I just don't think you're fit for Moderator.
    20. Karateman4268

      Karateman4268 Active Member

      Oct 13, 2014
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