Didn't spend any money, a friend got me my rank. It's fun, if something bad happens in game then o well, people need to chill.
I approve it,and i dont have any rank If somebody buy rank God and on the shop is writen taht rank God have /jump then rank God shoud have /jump Also for raiding, if you build base and somebody can go in by /jump then most likely he will be able to go in with enderperl My point is if you can raid base with /jump then its lousy base
Wow. Overall I agree with freckle and whoever else said so aswell! Factions isn't meant for cheats and stuff like that, I mean, having /heal and /echest and all those stuff is fine but /jump... Woo It shouldn't be allowed ( as it stands now ) it's because factions is so much more fun when you have to build walls and sand pillars to protect your base! Now that cyp and noobcrew have added obby breaker(I think) it will be still fun! Use cannons! It just makes the game more fun and more active, and since we have had a reset, we can use this time to change factions to make it more like real factions! It will be raiding all the time and building base defences and getting mcmmo up and there will be like the 3 opests factions or two most opest fac or even one! Personally I think the 3 most opest factions are Exile ( also known as Meowmix, Atlantis ( also known as goldenatlantis/GA) and finally raxs Thank you for reading
Sorry disc I can't support this. Factions with /jump is terrible tbh some of our new players will come and get raided within 1 day and quit. Before the reset it was only donors playing now the no rankers have a chance since /jump is disabled. Sorry no support.
I think /jump is a very useful command, but is simply too OP. I mainly use it to teleport to blocks in the end, or on another part of the nether, but unfortunately it is used to get into other peoples bases. I think it was the right decision to remove /jump, as now we don't need to make 10 layers so we are un /jumpable. Also, I think lava flow should be removed because people just raid with massive cobble monsters...
/jump is not a factions command it is way to OP and makes raiding (one of the main things on factions) last one minute and makes nearly all bases able to raid. Yes /jump helped with climbing and saving time in normal activities but ruined factions when the actual game mode is implemented. Now bases can be defended, and with the addition of the nether you can now wither which brings a whole new light to raiding and to mineverse factions as a whole. Now you can actually raid they way you were meant to, you don't see any other factions servers with /jump because it is simply not meant to be there. Also /jump was replaced so the argument of ranks should get /jump is irrelevant because you do get a command and that is /echest which is good for on the go. However if this is not enough maybe /craft could be introduced. These are both commands that are just as good as /jump and DONT ruin the game mode. So I give no support for this, getting rid of /jump was one of the best decisions yet for factions.
Well now you have /echest so just put blocks in there. the only thing stopping you would be if you were in claimed territory so that would imply raiding which discdog has commented saying it has nothing to do with so you should not have a problem. just put a stack of cobble in your enderchest :D No need for /jump.
I have used /jump many times to get into a base and even then some have had blocks over their chests. Thats the fun part for me though. I go in invisible and when they log on and wait for them to go in their chests :P Anyways, I don't like using /jump and I don't like the fact that you can no longer use TNT cannons while a factions is offline. Thats like no fun. I understand people complain about their base being raided and destroyed while they were offline... BUT THATS PART OF FACTIONS. If you want to build a pretty base and have it not being destroyed then I think Mineverse should add a Towny server; thats basically what factions has started to become.
Hey @Discdog1000 I paid for /jump. and Im Titan. We just lost one of our perks. We deserve another one to replace /jump. This is a form of scam since as I paid for the perks that came with the rank just for it to be removed. Many perks have been missing lately and It's starting to annoy me.
I'm sorry but nothing you say I can quote because it is significantly stupid. So that's the only thing I could do.