Hi! So the original was by @xxElitayy but I don't want to gravedig. Rules: [Follow forum rules] I'm gonna do mine later.
that awkward moment when you are cutting ice with a knife and it cuys right through you foot and you are like ........... :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: did i just cut my self:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
That awkward moment when class is about to start but you're way out in the field with your friends and don't hear the bell.
That awkward moment when the teacher says: "Feel free to express yourself" and you say: "CHEESE!" and the whole class laughs. Ok, maybe not awkward, but. Uhm.. Appreciate me
That awkward moment when u (profanity) Spoiler are having sex and she says STOP period end of discussion
That Awkward Moment When your Mom is Right behind you and its 3 am in the morning and you are on your computer. :| Lol this just then happended to me
I wouldn't call it awkward, just funny, but whatever. In highschool I had this science teacher who was such an idiot, the class was set up like this. Front: Nerds. Middle: Moderate achievers. Back: Mostly the popular kids/people who didn't much care, I sat here. We gave that teacher hell, anyway one day in the Library of that class we were messing around with programs, and my friend turned up the speakers and I played a sound in the document, it was so funny so we started laughing and didn't even realize the teacher walked over, then we started to trash talk the teacher. And we called her nicknames etc and she was right behind us, she didn't say anything, but she walked off and we started laughing again. A few weeks later she said my friends and I had three-somes, which is why we got along so well, lmao.
That awkward moment when you're watching a movie with your dad, at age 12 (at the time), and he makes you close your eyes when people are kissing. #TheStruggleIsReal @KenzieMC
http://www.buzzfeed.com/mattortile/...that-make-you-want-to-crawl-into-a#.qsDa0lGad These are 100% accurate.
That awkward moment when Squidward takes a crap on you, so you pee on his tree. Bad days guys, Bad days.