I agree with Bo$$ - I mean, its okay to say: Im reporting you, but don't say like 100 times: Im reported you m8 - Anyway like BO$$ said, keep banning people though! It helps
I don't believe anyone should get hate for trying to keep hackers at bay. Good on you for doing so. At least someone is trying to make a difference. Need more of those people
Holy ѕh-t, didn't know Kim and Khloe kardashian were here.. (@GizzBots , @SanityPrevails) ffs get a room.
You do know that you can make a new sentence after the period and you don't have to go on to the next line. and btw Alright*, Alright*, Alright* girl*.
Using words like "prick" doesn't make you cool it just makes you ignorant. I never said anything that insulted you, oh wow why am i even arguing with a person who is presumably aging from 9-12.
That's indeed true, but remember these are regular players who don't have a commitment. I agree 100% with you though :>