I feel like the only reason people make a thread like this is to get attention. Self harm is a serious topic, I get it, but does that mean that it's necessary to make a thread on it? No, certainly not. If she wants help, she can contact her parents or have an appointment with a therapist, and so on. Staff can't do anything about this, so why bother making a thread in the first place?
Well, Staff could certainly do something about it or make it stop. They could mute them or ban them until they are finished.
And you think that would stop them? You think that, banning them or muting them permanently will stop them from bullying her, or any one else? Sure, it would put a temporary stop to harassment, but c'mon. It's the internet.
This isn't what the internet or the forums is suppose to be, I have been on plenty minecraft forums and there's no situations like this floating around, I agree it won't make them stop bullying but still, it's a good try.
She has her own life and makes her own choices it sucks she's gets picked on but its the internet get used to it no one forces her to cut if she really does
Look. I know that you hate me okay but you don't have to come on here and be against me when you don't even know the damn story... And plus I already got lobby banned. I was showing what baby_12_34's friends have been doing.. Plus, she's done a lot to me.
Look. BOTH of you are wrong. Sure she bullied you but does that mean you have the right to insult her? If she harasses you report her and ignore her on the forums and in-game and then ignore each other. When someone harasses you /ignore them and report them and watch them get banned. Wow. @Awrightgirl
That's why you have the /ignore command. Retaliating back at baby with insults won't fix the situation either. I suggest you act more mature in this situation and stop.