Okay so I have a problem. baby_12_34 has been getting bullied, she has cuts on her wrist and at her age shouldn't have them they are not that deep but they look really bad, baby has to do mental help because of this, and you guys are giving her a rough time, baby sent me a screenshot, " http://gyazo.com/ce4fdf658a660bee0bacd4eaa20ca519 " she messaged me on kik saying "Hate living, like death, im in my room wanting to hang myself but I know I have people that love me" @Awrightgirl you better leave her alone she's so young, and you are telling a little girl that is 11 to cut her self more, and also looked like you called her a ----- I don't want to see that ever again, I don't like seeing people hurt but when it comes to people telling other people to suicide, or cut I step in, and no im not the real Jizzbots I am one of baby's friends I knew her cense she started minecraft. and awright you are 14 or 15 and immature telling a 11 year old to cut more. oh and here Is more of what baby said. "I say sorry and get living hell wtf is wrong with everyone" :-: I feel bad for her and probably everyone who reads this don't care about her -Higor, aka babys friend!
Do you guys even look into the other person's story? Maybe theres a reason she said what she said. Dont just jump to conclusions until you've heard both sides. As a witness, I remember baby saying to Awright, "stop sending nudes" she said that first. Awright was just retaliating, not bullying. Quick to judge I see
Really. Hmm... If Baby_12_34 cuts herself, feels bad about herself, gets "bullied"... then why does she bully people herself. Ya know, I get called terrible things every day in-game. Want to know why? Because baby_12_34 likes going around telling/spreading rumors that I send nudes to people. I'll get on factions and automatically get called a h*e, a sl*t, and MANY other things from people I don't know/haven't talked too. So before you start judging me for this one thing I said, learn the whole story first. Also, she tells everybody she is 16. I wouldn't have been so harsh to a 11 year old.
This is not good. This is cyber bullying and should not be on this server. Does any one realize when you think, how serious this is? I mean some one who is 11 is already cutting and someone is telling she should. This is really bad.
That doesnt make Awright the bad guy in this situation. Thats still bullying, Baby bullies, she gets retaliation for it and thats how it goes. Baby has spread rumors before this about Awright, thats why she said "ew". She had a good reason to say that.
Dont give my friend a bad reputation just because your friend got butthurt from a comeback that hit a sensitive spot
I truthfully agree. Yeah I'll admit, I've done wrong things and yes I have regrets. Bu baby_12_34 is rude to everybody also.
If some one is cutting them selves over a game or an internet community then they shouldn't be sticking around on it.
How about you both just <Edit> drop it. Baby spreads roumers about everyone. Awrightgirl acts like shes the <Edit> and everyone should obey to her. Just /ignore and get on with is god <edit> you kids are annoying.
Okay, I'm not someone to go against this, but why did you you mention this to everyone else? Telling us that someone is having a hard time, instead of helping them is not the way to handle this situation. She should be getting professional help. Try helping her, don't come to us and tell us to be more respectful. I'm sorry, but this is the internet. You can't change it.