@PopIs_MyLife @DjRyan @SanityPrevails @Pile_of_Butts @rachetclanks @kitkat6605910 @madison all the ppl anna wanted me to tag!
Sorry doesn't even begin the you did to me. I'm sorry baby but I will never think as you as a friend ever again. Enough with the lies. The bs you put my life in hell in game and irl. Just leave and please stay away from me you caused enough pain in my life
Okay idk what bs, you have greifed me made me and the person i love brake up idk what bs and im sorry for even hurting you and you cheating on jay was the wurst thing you could ever do Jay was loyal to you, you made me want to die i honestly tried to im 11 and think of suicide thats really bad and the wurst part is i need mental help because i started cutting because of your bs i missed you a lot as a friend i remember the old time i was your friend before you and jay dated i was there when gal hated you but look where we are now fighting!
What the Hell. No. Just leave her alone Baby. I still care about her. Ffs. I'm done. So freaking done. Don't even. x-x
lol half of that "bs" it's lies XDD I never cheated on Jay, you were probably there for me at the beginning when gal and I got in the fight, I never started these fights, and I'm not the one making you cut, your doing that your self. Now I'm not going to waste my time talking to you.
you told me to kill myself and everything Jay i wanted to try but im done with lying and this is who i am a rude b*** that no one likes, im A b*** that lies im sorry for ever talking to you ever meeting you, okay so lets just say we never met, im done with everything, i feel like sitting in my room and crying, and most of the blame is on u and Ania @michael @luckypuppy24 @Zombiebuster007! @Blocky @theminecraftgal6 @gianni024 we never met ill stay alone, ill start hiding in shadows ill be ignored because im a happy girl most of the time, without friends life is easy except times like this.