hello my name is Sebbe and i buyed god for a long time ago with the username sebbe21088 but i changed name on minecraft and i don't have my rank now/ or anything in the server plz help me / My new username is:ItzSebbeHD Please i need help :( When i log in with my sebbe21088 i go inlogged on ItzSebbeHD i don't know if its a bug And when i try to log in with the username and not the gamil its says u have migraded u account or something like that, Please help i can prove that i buyed this rank, please admin help me :(
I mailed them Yesterday and no one have answar look here what i sended to them ( paypal screenshot that i buyed god Here is the link of the gmail i sended http://gyazo.com/cc44b4e2603203060bf894d85d5101c4
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